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Locking up,sluggish, one cpu core being pegged, recently


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The last few days I have had issues with mine locking up on me. For example as of right now if I go to pull up the dashboard tab it just spins in the browser forever and doesn't load any info. But all the other tabs seem to work fine most of the time. pulling up the terminal most of the time it has one cpu pegged for a long time. Even when trying to stop the array it took over five minutes to do so and after that the dashboard tab works fine again. Rebooting it seems to clear it up for a while then it comes back again. No idea whats causing it. Only thing I have changed recently is putting in a bigger cache drive and another 4tb drive. But the parity build and everything went ok, took about 12 hours. The last time I rebooted it locked so bad I didn't have any other option but to reboot by the reset button on the pc itself. After rebooting it went into a parity check found like 200 something errors, assume that was from the lock up and bad reboot and after that ran for a bit before starting to have issues again. But this machine has ran fine for a long time with no issues. 


To me it behaves like its a drive issue but they all are coming out ok on the heath checks. Also I have two VM's one that's a ubuntu server other is a windows 7 vm. This time around I didn't start them and so far no issues but will have to run it that way for a bit to see.






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