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NetApp FAS2020 NFS share won't mount


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I have searched for quite some time on this issue and can't seem to find any information on what I have incorrect when attempting to mount my NetApp NFS share. I have unassigned devices plugin installed on the unRaid server and it can see the shares just fine but when I click mount it refreshes the button and the mount button is the same. It doesn't say unmount. I went into the logs on the unRaid server and it says access denied. On my NetApp it says that the unRaid server has mount access to the volume. I can certainly provide more info on this if need be but has anyone run into this issue? I am not well versed in NetApp or Linux but I am slowly learning. It's probably something simple but I am pulling my hair out at this point. Anyway, if anyone has suggestions please let me know. 


Just an FYI, the same NetApp share was able to mount and work perfectly fine in Proxmox. Not sure if that is valuable info. 

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