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unraid shares not visable on Unraid


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   Windows 10 pro

   10.0.17134 Build 17134


   Unriad 6.5.3 basic


Hello all, im having some issues when connecting to my shares on unriad, they were previously working on my windows 10 machine however i reinstalled the client and after this i cannot get nothing some troublshotting stuff i have done so far is the following:


1) Attempted to access via Network --> could not see the share
2) Attempted to Map by Ip address (\\\) and host name (with host's file populated with Tower ip) --> no success
3) Changed from public to private network --> could not access shares
4) all shares are exported with public security --> still cannot map
5) server and host rebooted several times
6) Windows 7 VM can see the shares fine
7) ran Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters" Re
quireSecureNegotiate -Value 0 -Force on PS --> same issue
8) re-ran new-permissions on all disks and shares --> still unable to map

Pings work fine to server via host name and IP.

any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Nas via Ethernet to switch (not configured with any further protocols) host plugged into same switch, Ethernet goes to TPlink to router.



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