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unraid 6.6.1 lost user shares after lockup and hard reboot


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Hi all


First post, so be gentle with me :)


I am running 6.6.1 on a collection of kit I threw together into a case, and while it was working, it was great. Then earlier today, it locked up solid while I was working on it from remote (installing Krusader at the time, if that makes any difference), and had to hard reset the host when I got home this evening.


After unRAID booted up again, all the users shares are missing, which has the side effect of stopping VMs and docker from running. I have now turned the VM and docker services off in settings until I can get the shares running again.


All the disks are there and mount correctly, and unRAID is currently running a parity check. I cant see anything obvious in any of the log files, so I am passing this over to the experts :)


Is there anything I can try now that would help, or should I wait for the parity check to complete first?


Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.




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