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mysql docker bing-address


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I installed the mysql docker to my server for use as a kodi library. I created the user and granted the perms, but Kodi will not create the database. After hours of research, I believe it's because of the bind-address being set to the localhost ip. In theory I understand this to be a simple fix, change the bind-address in the my.cnf. But I have no clue in hell where it is. I first thought it would be in the /mnt/user/appdata/mysql, but the only config file there is auto.cnf. Many solutions I've read say to SSH in and change it, but being a docker on the server, but I can't SSH into it, im guessing its the bind-address again? I'm basically at a total loss. I have no idea what else to try. Maybe there is a simple solution I've overlooked, but at this point I'm too tired and frustrated to think clearly anymore.


In case it's of any use use, Im planning to use an sql database for a Kodi media library so that my main pc, second pc, living room pc, and the Pi in my bedroom, and phone can all share the same Kodi library.


Thanks in advance

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I gave it one more shot before I drank myself into a coma, and realized I was barking up the wrong tree. It wasnt at all the bind-address, it was something to do with password encryption. Was resolved with the following:

ALTER USER 'username' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';


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