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Issues with CPU scaling driver? CPU not downclocking


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Hi Folks,

I just installed uunRAID on a ASrock H370 itx board with a i5 8500T cpu.

I noticed the CPU wasn't downclocking itself when idly, constantly staying at 3.3 ghz as being reported by the terminal when running watch -n 1 grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo


I found a thread on this that was a few years old, and talked about disabling the intel Pstate driver. So I added the lines "append intel_pstate=disable" to my bootconfig. which now seems to let the cpu downclock itself when idle. However now I'm seeing the cpu jump around wildly from 5% to 20% to 50% back down to %, all within a few seconds when nothing is really running. 


I have a windows VM installed as well as a plex docket. When doing a test run, running a single transcode stream from 1080P to my phone, It's maxing out the CPU. Which is odd as it seems this cpu should be able to handle 5 streams at once. 


Any ideas? Has anyone been able to get an i5 8500t to downclock using the correct pstate driver? or am I missing something?



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