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Second NIC for VM that will not see shares


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I have question. Is there any option to config second NIC that will be separated from unRAID shares??



NIC #1 - For shares, standard NAS

NIC #2 - Just for VM in unRAID KVM, like another PC on the LAN

If I unplug NIC #1, then all shares will be disconnected.


My plan:

I have SuperMicro mb with 2 NICs and another PCIe NIC (NIC #2). NICs on motherboard will be bonded together and PCIe NIC will be just for VM. If I connect to ip of VM NIC by SMB or NFS, I don't want to see any data stored on the storage.


Or another question. I will have another VM, assigned to br0 of NIC #1. In VM connected share and copy file from VM local storage (on cache) to array share. That file will go from VM storage to br0 and then to array, or VM -> br0 -> switch -> array??


I'm lost in unRAID routing, thanks for any help

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