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Unraid No networking issue after updating plugins


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I have been using Unraid without issues for a few months now. However today I updated a few plugins and unraid restarted unexpectedly. After the restart, I was unable to access unraid via http://tower/. I was also unable to access it via its IP address.


I am able to see my server via the router. (at least im pretty sure its the server im seeing). However, I am unable to access it.


I would be glad to provide additional information however Im not sure what information would be helpful.


I have attached a diagnostics file. I hope that helps




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Sorry everyone. After hours of reconfiguring my entire network and troubleshooting I figured it out.


Turns out I'm not a very smart man. When I was working in unraid an already loose ethernet connection came undone. I plugged it back in and everything works great. I cant bleave I didn't check this.


I apologize to anyone who spent time to try and figure this out for me.



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