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Asus P5E-VM DO -.5C Cpu temp and 65535 Fan Speed


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Hey All,


So I have been diagnosing some issues today and I checked the bios and came across this for CPU speed and temp 65535 speed and -.5c temp. I updated to the latest 0902 bios as per the wiki and Asus special instructions on the web-site and no change. I also changed the cpu from the celeron to a 7300 C2D I had lying around in the cabinet with a new fan and still no difference. Is this just a bios thing, can I load coretemp or real temp or some other utility barring that what is the latest and greatest board with 8 sata slots and 2 pci slots to use.


This is the only issue I can find I ran memtest all afternoon on my patriot 2x1024 800 and no problems found.





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