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Windows Server 2012 Mounts SMB shares, shows folders, can't open them

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unRAID 6.7.2.  I have a share setup as public for SMB (see config and perms below).  I have a Windows 2012 Server that I'm trying to transfer files from.  The server can see the unRAID box (named "NAS"), it can successfully mount a share and view the folders in the first level of that share.  But any time I try to open a folder, Windows Explorer shows a green bar across the address line which grows to about 95% and then explorer just locks up.


I'm able to browse the share successfully from my iMac, so I'm 99% sure the problem is on the windows side.  Previously I was able to browse without a problem.  I have tried rebooting both the unRAID box and the windows box to no avail.  I'm tried setting the share to private and connecting with my unraid user credentials, again the mount is successful but I'm unable to open folders showing on the mounted drive.


Any clues as to what I've done wrong or what else to try?







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