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Rename the 'passwd' and the 'shadow' file in the 'config' folder


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I found an old post that someone added stating that their UNRAID login wasn't working.


The recommendation was to Rename the 'passwd' and the 'shadow' file in the 'config' folder to .old on Flash and reboot


I did this and at login put

UN 'root'

PW blank


but this didnt work.


any ideas


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I thought there was now a reset password button on the main login but I have no idea how it works, so here's an alternative that should work to at least restore command line access to the root account:

If you have access to a linux command line - this would probably work on a live DVD.

Rename the files on the USB in /config back to the original names.

On a Linux command line run these commands - replacing MyUnRaidPassword with your desired password

python -c "import random,string,crypt;
randomsalt = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters,8));
print crypt.crypt('MyUnRaidPassword', '\$5\$%s\$' % randomsalt)"

It'll output a value - that looks something like this:



Open the /config/shadow file in a text editor (make sure you don't mangle the line endings) and exchange the existing value for root with the value you just created. You need to make sure you only adjust the value between root: and the next colon.

So if we used the example from above your root line should be something very similar to this:



Save the file, reboot into unRaid and that should likely fix your login issues. Definitely for the terminal, not entirely sure how the web authentication works but I think it may fix that too.

Hope it helps,


Edited by Delarius
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