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Newbie Data Migration and Disk Questions

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Newbie needing a bit of advise if any of my plans are poorly thought out. Sorry if this is a bit long but there is a lot going on.


I have been running freenas for about 4 years with five 5TB red drives. I decided it was a good time to upgrade to 8TB drives and purchased 6 of them from Amazon. When data migration is complete I will be retiring my old 5TB drives onto ebay. I am also switching my NAS to unRaid 6.8.2


I have 5 of the new 8TB drives hooked up to my desktop and have them running unraid's preclear. One drive appeared to finish prematurely so I decided to run a short SMART test. The short SMART test has been running for the last 3 hours or so and is stuck at 90%. I'm assuming it's dead so I have requested it to be RMA'd.


My plan is create an array with two of the precleared drives as storage and the other two as parity. I plan to use BTRFS as the file system. I will transfer my data from freenas over NFS to the new unraid array. Once completed I will remove the 5TB drives from my NAS running freenas and install the 8TB drives and boot it up with the unraid USB key I have been using in my desktop.


One of my new drives is still in the mail and the other is being exchanged. When they become available I will add them to the NAS, run 3 preclear cycles, and add them to the existing array as data drives.


After setting up a good solution for off site cloud backups I will then change one of the two parity disks to a storage disk in the array.


Another aspect is I will be doing all of this from a trial license and will be moving to a new USB key that is currently in the mail. I'm assuming I can install unraid to the new USB key and when I boot and add the array I can purchase my license at that time?


Are any of my plans not going to work?  




Edited by radian23
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