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USB controller detected and working but not visible in Unraid

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I am new to unraid an currently in the process of setting up my server, with the goal of a workstation/gaming pc and server in one.

Hardware specs (shot list) :

Mobo: ASUS ROG ZENITH EXTREME Version Rev 1 (Updated to last bios from ASUS website dated: 07/31/2019)

CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X 

RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK32GX4M4B3200C16 (4x8GB)

GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X 11G


So my problem, I encountered some USB issues with the standard passthrough. When a device got disconnected it would not reconnect until the VM was restarted. This is not the end of the world, but really annoying if you are in the middle of something (In this case my headset kept disconnecting). So I ordered a USB controller to pass through completely. Today I installed the card while watching the videos from SPACEINVADERONE (This guy is legend, made my life really easy!).


The videos I watched:


Somewhere in the USB video he talks about commands in the terminal to show the USB controllers. When I use this command I get the following:


for usb_ctrl in $(find /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb* -maxdepth 0 -type l); do pci_path="$(dirname "$(realpath "${usb_ctrl}")")"; echo "Bus $(cat "${usb_ctrl}/busnum") --> $(basename $pci_path) (IOMMU group $(basename $(realpath $pci_path/iommu_group)))"; lsusb -s "$(cat "${usb_ctrl}/busnum"):"; echo; done


The device in question is bus 7 and 8. (as a test I inserted an USB drive in the card this is the Toshiba stick)

For some reason there is no IOMMU group and it's not showing up in the system devices either.

I searched the forums and the net for possible solutions and I tried adding "pci=nommconfto" and "pcie_aspm=off" in the syslinux file. (The latter is still in there)

I was wondering of someone know what's going on or give me some pointers on how I can fix this.


Thanks in advance,



P.S. The diagnostics and syslog are in the attached files (I hope there is no personal info in there, I skimmed it but could't find any so I posted all of it)

destiny-syslog-20200130-2000.zip destiny-diagnostics-20200130-2104.zip

Edited by Seeringfate
Forgot to metion GPU and BIOS update
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Hi Seeringfate, 


I have recently been running into similar issues with USB controllers, one thing i found that has really helped me is the 

VFIO-PCI CFG plugin 

It will list all your IOMMU groups and the nice part is for USB Controllers it will list all connected USB devices and once you find a IOMMU group you can pass through you can select it through the plugin as well. 


As for the card you installed, What is the brand of it ? is it PCI-E device ? closest thing i see if the VIA Labs link hub

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So I have been looking trough the syslogs and such and can't seem to find any errors related to this, is there something I'm missing here ? The device seems to be working but if i plug USB devices in in it but for some reason it is listed nowhere.


I hope someone knows whats steps I can take to solve this problem.

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