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Disabled, Rescues and unraid.

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Hey Folk.

Need some help. 
l spoke with Spencer and he was very helpful but he did suggest the forum. And how helpful the forum is, so here goes.


We are starting up a small CIC business here in Scotland. CIC is a community interest company. It is an odd version of a charity. 


What we are going to try to achieve is we are taking CJ's rescue information hub https://www.facebook.com/mfharh/ to a broader audience and we are also going to be helping as many rescues here in Scotland as possible that can not afford a webpage or hosting giving them a free place to have a small page. 


The second part of the business CJ and I are both disabled and as we are stuck at home most of the time we want to use the internet to help others so we review things, and talk about things that might help others disabled or able-bodied. 


So we were donated some equipment 

HP ProLiant DL385 G6 x2 

I have 
And I have a few hard drives.

But as I have never dealt with servers like this does anyone have suggestions on a good build with theses two servers?

Will I need to get a opnsense box?


Or do we need to ask around and ask for more donations of hardware?


Or is it possible to run all I need in unraid.


CJ and DarreN


Edited by CJandDarren
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