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Disk usage by apparent usage rather than actual usage

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I have started to use the sia docker container available in the community app store (thank you JCloud for providing the template) and i'm finding that storage management has become a frustration. Sia creates the host siahostdata.dat files as sparse allocated files. Since unraid uses actual disk usage as its measurement for placement of files in shares (fill up, most free, etc) I end up creating files that can grow beyond the available storage capacity on the single disk they have all been created on.


Is there a way to change the default behavior to use apparent disk usage instead of actual disk usage for determining where to place newly created files?


The problem is clearly illustrated below. Since the disk shows 63G used it will continue to have new files created on it which will clearly become an issue when the sparse files fill up.

root@files01:/mnt/disk13/sia-host/0001# df -h /mnt/disk13
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md13       2.8T   65G  2.7T   3% /mnt/disk13
root@files01:/mnt/disk13/sia-host/0001# du -sh /mnt/disk13
63G	/mnt/disk13
root@files01:/mnt/disk13/sia-host/0001# du -sh --apparent-size /mnt/disk13
2.8T	/mnt/disk13
root@files01:/mnt# du -sh --apparent-size disk*
2.8T	disk1
1.3T	disk10
1.4T	disk11
220G	disk12
2.8T	disk13
22G	disk14
1.9T	disk2
2.8T	disk3
3.1T	disk4
3.2T	disk5
2.7T	disk6
2.5T	disk7
1.3T	disk8
1.6T	disk9
334G	disks
root@files01:/mnt# du -sh disk*
2.8T	disk1
890G	disk10
1.4T	disk11
129G	disk12
63G	disk13
22G	disk14
1.9T	disk2
2.8T	disk3
2.8T	disk4
2.8T	disk5
2.7T	disk6
2.3T	disk7
1.3T	disk8
1.6T	disk9
153G	disks
root@files01:/mnt# df -h /mnt/disk*
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1        2.8T  2.8T   17G 100% /mnt/disk1
/dev/md10       1.9T  892G  971G  48% /mnt/disk10
/dev/md11       2.8T  1.4T  1.5T  49% /mnt/disk11
/dev/md12       1.9T  131G  1.7T   8% /mnt/disk12
/dev/md13       2.8T   65G  2.7T   3% /mnt/disk13
/dev/md14       1.9T   24G  1.8T   2% /mnt/disk14
/dev/md2        1.9T  1.9T   12G 100% /mnt/disk2
/dev/md3        2.8T  2.8T  9.2G 100% /mnt/disk3
/dev/md4        2.8T  2.8T   18G 100% /mnt/disk4
/dev/md5        2.8T  2.8T  813M 100% /mnt/disk5
/dev/md6        2.8T  2.7T   85G  97% /mnt/disk6
/dev/md7        2.8T  2.3T  480G  83% /mnt/disk7
/dev/md8        1.9T  1.3T  591G  69% /mnt/disk8
/dev/md9        1.9T  1.6T  273G  86% /mnt/disk9
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/disks


Edited by Simora
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