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Permission issues when writing to nfs mounted public share.

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So this is an issue i have been living with for a while but its really starting to annoy me so i am wondering if anyone knows a fix.

I don't have a great understanding of the linux permission system so please forgive me if this has an obvious fix.


The issue is with my media share which is accessible to all users and guests. 

I run ubuntu as my main os and i have the media share mounted with nfs like so\040Library /mnt/share/MediaLibrary nfs defaults,nofail 0 0

The issue is whenever i create a new folder in the media share its permissions are set as `rwxr-x---` with owner 99 (nobody) and group 'users' As a result no one else on the network (Windows users) can access the folder.  


This only seems to be an issue with nfs. Folders created via SMB are owned by the user that created them and have permissions `rwxrwxrwx`
Has anyone encountered this issue before or know what i am doing wrong?
The way i currently get around the issue is by running 'Docker Safe New Perms' every time i add something to the media share but thats getting rather annoying. 

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