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unraid not useing my set ip or DHCP

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hi i am having a problem with a new ubs key and i can't get onto the webgui just upgraged form the free tral and on the usb old key the ip and now its 169.254.18 and i try make a diagnostics fille, has not works as well When i edit the network config file for static settings, all it does is tell me the IP Address is what I plugged in as br0, and is not connected to the network at all.

Set bonding to "NO" in the config file. didn't do anything.

tried deleting the config file and letting it rebuild (doesn't...)

remade the config file... no change.


Current hardware:

amd fx 8320

Asus crosshair v formula-z

a gt 640 and gtx 660 and gtx 970

an sdd and 3 two tb hdd


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