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Moved files from one drive to another, now they can't be accessed.

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I'm running Unraid 5 beta 2.


So one of my drives is dying.  While re-building a parity, one of the drives crapped out, spat out a bunch of errors in the web UI.  I stopped the parity build and rebooted, and that drive now showed up as unformatted.


Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but I don't have a working parity yet.


I did a quick check on the dying drive, and it appearing to be okay for now,  I did an initconfig and was able to access the files on it.  So I telnet into my server and copied the files from the dying disk to another disk to try and save them.  It worked, but now I can't access the files on the new disk.


They show up in windows explorer, but I can't open, rename, or do anything with them.


Did I mess up some permissions thing by doing this?  I can still access the files on the old dying drive, but I'm not sure how long that will last.



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