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Can't Access FTP from outside my network

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Let's get this part out of the way first: I know that ftp isn't secure and I shouldn't expose my computer to the internet, and a VPN along with other things would help, so-on & so-on.

I tried setting up both pure-ftpd and crushftp9. I am able to access the ftp server locally but for some reason I can't seem to get access from outside my network. I'm forwarding ports 9921, 9443, & 2222 from my router to my host as suggested, and the docker container is also matching the ports. Is there a setting I'm missing?

I tried using https://ftptest.net/ and I'm getting the following:

Reply: 257 "/" PWD command successful.
Status: Current path is /
Command: TYPE I
Reply: 200 Command ok : Binary type selected.
Command: PASV
Reply: 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,202,243,35,39,21)
Command: MLSD
Error: Could not establish data connection: Connection refused

Check that is part of your passive mode port range. If it is outside your desired port range, you have a router and/or firewall that is modifying your FTP data.
Make sure that this port is open in your firewall
Port needs to be forwarded in your router
In some cases your ISP might block that port. In this case configure the server to use a different passive mode port range. Contact your ISP for details which ports are blocked.



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I really hope someone can help me.


I wanted to mention that it does appear that the server is indeed receiving the login request but for some reason it is being dropped. I don't have the slightest idea what could be causing this. Is there some sort of option that needs to be enabled to allow access outside the network? If my memory serves me right, I know that is the case in things like SQL or maybe SSH.. But I'm not entirely sure.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

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