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NFS Share Not Exporting

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I currently have 8 NFS shares that are all working as expected configured as a private NFS share but I noticed today when I attempted to add a 9th NFS share that although the entry gets added to the /etc/exports file it does not actually export the new share as shown by showmount or exportfs -v.


I noticed that when I run exportfs -ra to re-initilize the NFS service and have it export shares configured in /etc/exports it shows an error message about incorrect syntax for a bad option list.




This points to line 9 in the /etc/exports file but line 9 is a completely different share that is currently working normally and exported successfully. If I remove line 9 by disabling that share in the Unraid GUI, the syntax error just moves up one line but I don't see any issues with the content of /etc/exports and I wouldn't expect any errors considering I haven't manually edited the file. All entries in /etc/exports were added by Unraid itself.


I've attached some other images below for reference, the NFS share that is not working as expected is /mnt/user/tv.


Unraid share settings in GUI:



Content of /etc/exports:

# See exports(5) for a description.
# This file contains a list of all directories exported to other computers.
# It is used by rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd.

"/mnt/user/backups" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=102,rw,sync)
"/mnt/user/comics" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=108,ro,sync),ro,sync),rw,sync)
"/mnt/user/downloads" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=100,rw,sync),rw,sync),rw,sync),rw,sync),rw,sync)
"/mnt/user/ebooks" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=109,ro,sync)
"/mnt/user/instructional" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=110,ro,sync)
"/mnt/user/movies" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=107,ro,sync)
"/mnt/user/other" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=112,ro,sync)
"/mnt/user/proxmox-isos" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=105,rw,sync),,rw,sync)
"/mnt/user/tv" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=106,ro,sync)

Output of exportfs -v



Any help with be very much appreciated as I don't understand what is happening.


Thank you,

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for your reply.


I found a workaround which did the trick for me. I removed all the rules and set the NFS export to "No" on all my shares. I then deactivated and reactivated the NFS sharing in the Unraid settings. Afterwards, I enabled exporting one share at a time, always checking that "exportfs -ra" worked.


Not entirely sure what the problem was, but everything's working now.

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  • 3 months later...

The Whole Picture:


On Server

ZFS Data set = pool/data

Mount Point = /pool/data


1. Make sure sharenfs=off (zfs set sharenfs=off pool/data)

2. edit /etc/exports, add line "/pool/data" -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=111 *(sec=sys,rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)"

Note: fsid has to be a unique number for each share. Unraid starts them at 100

3. restart nfsd (/etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd restart)


Make a script that inserts the line in step 2 into the /etx/exports file on boot.


On Client

Use the Unraid GUI on the Main tab to mount and NFS share


Yes it connects


My Issue: Permissions of files and folders on Client (all files 777 nobody:users) do not reflect those on the Server (770 <user name>:domain users>

Is this something NFSv4 can solve?


Making it an SMB share has the same issue with permissions.

Both Client and Server connected to the same domain.


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