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  • Docker update continues even if no data pulled

    • Solved Minor

    I had a real scare last night.  Right now I am using Internet off of my cell phone.  Internet on my main network is down.  I noticed that my plex container needed updating.  without thinking I opted to update and answered yes to the question to "Are you sure" question.  The Update process proceeded, without checking to see if a network connection can be established with the update server.  It then proceeded to pull 0 bytes, then went through the upgrade process.  Including removing the docker container as it does in its clean up process.  I was really scared that there was the possibility that the working container was destroyed.   Fortunately that did not happen, and the only thing that did happen was the Plex icon was deleted.  Amazingly the container is still working.  I would like to see the docker update process check for a valid internet connection before proceeding with the update.  A check should also be made to see if greater than 0 bytes was pulled before proceeding with the upgrade routines.  If 0 bytes were pulled, the upgrade aborts with "no data pulled" error.  


    This can be reproduceable by allowing the docker subsystem to check for updates and flag the docker container as ready for update, then while the server is still connected to the switch some how block internet access to the unraid server and then execute the update with no access to internet.


    I did not provide logs but if you need them let me know. 

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    That's how docker itself handles things.  There's no problems with a zero byte pull (as you've noticed).  Unraid itself however did automatically delete your existing icon under the assumption that as part of the update procedure.  It'll get re-downloaded when your internet is back up and running and you hit either the dashboard / docker pages

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