I really start to hate Unraid software is buggy messy no any description and i cant
rely on this softrare. I make machine for client is demo version or trial to test and give client to buy licence. System is Gigabyte Pro x399 Threadripper 1920.
System work one week data of client. All boot work stable no any trouble. I add gpu for system unraid see only 3 gpu i add 4. Than shutdown serwer boot to hive os check if decect and how many gpu. After boot this i cant lunch Unraid any more.
In 6-7 hours i manege randomly to boot unraid. Is no bugs lunch 2 times when i think all ok is again not work
I got messedge
Failed to allocate Initramfs memory , balling out
loading /bzimage ... ok Bad file number
I use 3 diferent usb stick to make sure is no usb broken. not help. Check every single option in bios is not help. Even when randomly work i save bios to custom profile. Two boot boots i got error and again system not boot. I change every singe usb port not help.
I check Hive OS (Linux)
Ubuntu Linux
all work instant boot no any problems
Im dont find eny solution desciption what that messedge means. And no any clue becouse 3 times in 6 hours system randomly lunch after couple restart again not work and that same messedge. I Just angry i use many systems and never get so much truble to find solution and random bugs to cannot find in google. In this state i cant recomend eny one system if work superb but many times You got stange bugs and speend hours to find why is not work. Is like system to houbist to like experiment and speend allot of time find way how to work but not use.
Sorry is bad quality photo but is 5 inch service monitor to i know what system status only.
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