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Everything posted by PFC

  1. So i did have a thumbdrive fail on Me a few weeks ago, I restored it with unraid connect, is there possibly a step I missed in the process that I should look into before I run scandisk
  2. i have been having trouble with my vpn manager. whenever i try to delete the tunnel i have set up its still showing up after i reload the page. i have even gone to the command line to rm the config files but I'm met with a message that i am unable to remove it because it is a read-only file system. i am attaching my diagnostics file in hopes someone can help me with this situation because i would really like to use my tunnel again. tower-diagnostics-20240807-2205.zip
  3. I am having THE WORST time trying to figure out how to properly use docker on unraid! so the unraid template for WordPress is garbage, I need to customize the container and there is no real how to or anything on how to go about doing so. i keep hearing .yml is where I can get WordPress to pass port 443 through but how on earth can I access the .yml through the dashboard. have not even found a good spaceinvaderone video on how to edit containers outside of the template. I'm just at a loss, I want to use wordpress end of story. https is a nightmare specially since im using nginx proxy manager in front of it. I have a nginx site behind proxy manager that works awesome so I would kind of like to use the nginx-wordpress container on docker hub but can not figure out how to install that on unraid coz it brings up a template page and there is no actual general how to on that either. I'm lost and am having a hard time finding any suggestions that actually help
  4. looks like they are all under IOMMU Group 1
  5. I really dont understand this answer, i seperate the eth1 nic from being bonded and then i get a warning that there are 2 ports on the same network and prompts me to fix it. i want an open nic to use with a vm thats it.
  6. how do I separate my pcie network controller from unraid. every time I change anything on eth0 I loose connection to unraid web gui.
  7. thank you so much! that was scary! now I just need to figure out that appropriate way to accomplish my goal!
  8. I tried to separate my ethernet controller from being used by unraid. i set all of the nics to static ip address's and i belive i removed them from the bridge on the first nic.. im at a loss i cannot connect to my tower at all
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