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  1. Yeah, that's what happens so that shouldn't be an issue.
  2. Ah yes, that is what I did I just forgot to add the flag when posting. I tried again just to be luck.
  3. Yes, at most it has special characters such as ^, #, *, @. The is no EOL or anything after the the passphrase. I even tried to 'echo passphrase > key' to make sure it was just plain text.
  4. Yes I have, I've restarted the system since so those attempts probably aren't listed.
  5. You're right up to step 4. And I was wrong, its actually 63 char. I used the LastPass "generate secure password" function and pasted the key it created into the password and verify password box. I then pasted it in a text file and in my lastpass vault. The rest is pretty much correct. I should have verified what I pasted into the box was correct, I just made the (terrible) assumption that what was on my clipboard successfully pasted into firefox as it did in my text file. I've attached the diagnostics zip to this post.
  6. I did try following that, when entering the key it reports "No key available with this passphrase." It really looks like I don't have the right key. I'm not sure if it didn't get submitted correctly, or if it didn't copy and paste correctly, or honestly what happened.
  7. I'm having an issue in 6.8.1 where I posted here: Despite copying and pasting my encryption key, I can not unlock the disks at all. I have tried using a keyfile as mentioned, and running "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdm1 sdm1" on a locked disk results in "No key available with this passphrase." Is there a chance this is a bug, or did something happen with copy/pasting the key and I just lost all of my data?
  8. Thanks for the quick response. It really isn't looking good. I tried the keyfile, no luck. When running "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdk1 sdk1" and entering the passphrase I saved it responds with "No key available with this passphrase."
  9. Hello everyone, After extensive testing I finished migrating all my data to an encrypted unraid volume. I saved the passphrase in two encrypted text files. After rebooting, the key I used-the same one I copied and pasted in two files-no longer unlocks the volumes. It just reports "Wrong key." It's looking a lot like I just lost the entirety of my data. Just for additional info, I'm using unraid 6.8.1. The key was a mixture of special and regular characters, 64 letters long. Is there something I'm missing? Something to try? Some way to fix this? Logically it looks like I'm out of luck but it makes no sense how the key I copied and pasted is not working. Thanks :)