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Posts posted by amateur_wizard

  1. 1 hour ago, FriarTuck said:

    The same thing is happening to me. UnRAID used to be so solid... Ive tried most things and cant fix this. I wanted to leave this running unattended for a few months when I travel, but this will no longer be possible.

    I would recommend if you haven't already. Install "CA Auto Update Applications" set it to search for updates for every container and plugin daily. Reinstall the MyServer/Unraid Connect plugin (doing a reboot inbetween).

    LMK how that works for you.

  2. ca.backup2.plg - 2023.03.28c  (Up to date)
    ca.cleanup.appdata.plg - 2022.10.21  (Up to date)
    ca.update.applications.plg - 2023.02.20  (Up to date)
    community.applications.plg - 2023.03.11  (Up to date)
    controlr.plg - v2022.12.30  (Up to date)
    docker.folder.plg - 2023.03.18  (Up to date)
    docker.patch.plg - 2023.01.28  (Up to date)
    dynamix.cache.dirs.plg - 2023.02.19  (Up to date)
    fix.common.problems.plg - 2023.03.22  (Up to date)
    nvidia-driver.plg - 2023.03.02  (Up to date)
    unRAIDServer.plg - 6.11.5

    Good call on bazarr, I also have that installed. It would line up with when the errors were coming up too (every 6 hours roughly)

    Potential Solution
    Bazarr: Settings > Subtitles > Changed from _'mediainfo'_ _'Embedded subtitles video parser'_ to _'ffprobe'_

    (The reason I selected mediainfo in the first place was because according to a reddit thread hotio's fork had it built into the container)

  3. 1046480893_Screenshot2023-03-10104843.thumb.png.67bd1dc36d2093026bb0c941f50c74e8.png


    - Saw these errors so I ran "/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart"

    - The connection to system went down (as expected) took about 15 minutes to come back online on My Server but still wasn't reachable. 
    - I VPN'd to the router, still wasn't able to get the WebUI with the LAN IP.

    - Ping returned a reply, SSH'd into the server, then did a 'sudo reboot'


    This is especially scary when you're working in another country 👀 

    • Like 1
  4. [Solved] Missing X-Plex-container-Size header. This will fail with status code 400 in the future.

    Found an issue may not have been the only issue that was causing problems. Network sharing the appdata share messes with the permissions of the files for the sake of SMB & NFS. Turning it off has removed 90% of this log jam.


  5. I'm running Unraid on consumer hardware. I had to update my system because there was an update for Nvidia drivers. The system had nothing else changed to it, yet somehow on restart it did not boot to the Unraid just back into the BIOS with no visible boot media. It may look like nothing has changed but something has. Here was my root cause of the problem and the solution.


    Problem: Secure boot even though it has been disabled has had the default keys re-appear.


    Solution: Clear the boot keys save the settings and reboot. 👍


    At least with ASUS (probably with others too) the deleting of secure boot keys is not registered as a change. This means that saving a profile for your system and loading it will change nothing in that regard.

  6. My Servers, NextCloud (linuxserver), and Lancache (RedVex)/Lancache Bundle (Josh.5) all seem to go back to 443 even when another port is specified. I don't know how to rectify this, it sounds like I'm missing something obvious.


    Even when putting http://<ip_address>:<alternative_port> it just redirects me to the UnRAID home page which runs on port 443 now that I am using the My Servers addon.

  7. I have a similar issue. I looked at the logs and couldn't find a clear reason for why. 


    Taking a guess it might be something to do with the certs and now that people have HTTPS enabled for the web-UI.

  8. I'm having a similar issue so I figured I would post in the same thread.



    I have a 1TB cache, since I did some work on the server and some reformatting the it gets up to is 50% utilization. (It's a single disk)

    It's formatted to XFS encrypted, same as the array. The logs does also read this as the cache being full.


    I'm not sure what I did wrong.

  9. Thanks guys, I read the linked forum posts, set them as you asked and it worked. 


    I would like to say that the problem that stemmed it has been bothering me intermittently for months. The server will work fine for ages then crash is strange ways. In recent times the OS would crash with the docker container still running. Then there was frequent times when the docker image would become corrupted. I ended up getting FS errors from BTRFS.


    I'll post with diagnostics if it crashes again. Thanks again, I appreciate it.

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