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Everything posted by DrPeaches

  1. Thanks for the heads up, didn't think of testing that. Yeah I use letsencrypt and also cloudflare for dns verification. Unfortunately I'm getting the same error and on top of that a 524 error for timeout. Will try: 1. Adding the same variables to letsencrypt's nginx config (same path as nextcloud's). 2. Upload without having cloudflare in the way. I'll try to test it soon. I hope at least one of us can make this work.
  2. No, only from a browser. I don't have such large files on my phone. I'll try later to sync a large file using the windows app, but I don't think it'll be a problem (or else more than 3 people would have noticed).
  3. Hi, new to unraid and nextcloud and I want to share a fix for a problem I had a couple of days ago. I looked for a fix in the forums but only 2 people reported it and one of them moved to owncloud after giving up on it, I hope this will help other people who had the same issue. After I setup nextcloud (followed SpaceinvaderOne's video) I had a problem each time I tried to upload a large file (11.2 GB). After the upload, while processing, an error message showed up - "Error when assembling chunks, status code 504". If I refresh the page the file is there and its ok (compared checksum to source). Tested it a couple of times and only one time the file didn't show up (can't really explain it). The message is pretty annoying so I had to look it up. Found the following issue: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/17992 To fix I had to open the nginx config - appdata/nextcloud/nginx/site-confs/default Searched for 'fastcgi' and inside the brackets I added these lines: fastcgi_connect_timeout 60; fastcgi_send_timeout 1800; fastcgi_read_timeout 1800; That fixed those error messages and I hope it will help you. For more info you can check the issue on nextcloud's github. Have a good day
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