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Everything posted by lonix

  1. Please make a issue on github. And I'll look into it tomorrow.
  2. Try mapping it to /downloads ---> /mnt/user/appdata/SABnzbd/downloads The /downloads mapping must be identical on all containers
  3. It gives the container access to the hardware clock
  4. lonix: any chance you plan on implementing this anytime soon. Maybe it warrants a separate docker image? I'm considering taking a look but if you're planning in it I may wait for your solution. Feel free to join our irc channel to discuss and potentially make a branch with me. But I'm abit uncomfortable promising anything with a fragile product like this.
  5. It's builder on top of Ubuntu and we use the plex bins provided by plex them self
  6. When you stop a container its like pushing the power button and all the appropriate things will happen.
  7. Also as a sidenote nobody in the team does actually use the container
  8. we actually so that now. It helps pay for the servers and stuff. Check out linuxserver.io/donations
  9. I have one syncthing instance that syncs multiple user folders so running as one or the other wont work. For now I think I solved it by doing "ignore permissions" checkbox and unraid does default umask(though it's kind of dumb that it's 777 . Since only root has access to ssh, I guess it's ok. may I suggest several instances of syncthing?
  10. Be pasient it may take some time depending on the speed of your local mirror
  11. try rebooting the system. I can promise you that is not the fault of container
  12. The container is called mcmyadmin2 try to redownload the template or rename it in the unraid ui
  13. I might have dropped the ball in the middle here. I shall fix it today if nothing bad happens, but I have a question from you all, what would you most like too see from this container ?
  14. Im sorry to hear that, have you tried restarting the thing. (By design it retrys Downloading untill sucess, something we should probably inform about)
  15. unfortunatly the webui is under heavy development and we can't do much about it.
  16. Er may or may not be working on souch a thing, but consensus in the group is that sonarr is better
  17. Same thing happening here. Tried Pushbullet and NMA and neither sends out notifications. Any ideas? Hello? im sorry not a Expert on usage
  18. Having the same issue. I can post the plex log, but I believe this is where things are going wrong. Sep 24, 2015 22:31:54 [0x2ba506401700] DEBUG - Starting a transcode session 3g2tn2irlh4zpvi at offset -1.0 (stopped=1) Sep 24, 2015 22:31:54 [0x2ba506401700] WARN - WARNING: Couldn't create directory /transcode/plex-transcode-3g2tn2irlh4zpvi-129a71fa-dbd9-4b49-b729-af719709f128 Sep 24, 2015 22:31:54 [0x2ba506401700] DEBUG - [universal] Using local file path instead of URL: /media/TV/Scandal (2012)/Season 5/Scandal.(2012).S05E01.Heavy Is the Head.HDTV-720p.mkv Sep 24, 2015 22:31:54 [0x2ba506401700] DEBUG - Job running: XDG_CACHE_HOME='/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/' XDG_DATA_HOME='/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/' '/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plex New Transcoder' '-noaccurate_seek' '-i' '/media/TV/Scandal (2012)/Season 5/Scandal.(2012).S05E01.Heavy Is the Head.HDTV-720p.mkv' '-map' '0:0' '-codec:0' 'copy' '-bsf:0' 'h264_mp4toannexb,h264_plex' '-map' '0:1' '-codec:1' 'aac' '-strict:1' 'experimental' '-cutoff:1' '15000' '-channel_layout:1' 'stereo' '-b:1' '258k' '-f' 'matroska' '-avoid_negative_ts' 'disabled' '-map_metadata' '-1' '-' '-start_at_zero' '-copyts' '-y' '-nostats' '-loglevel' 'quiet' '-loglevel_plex' 'error' '-progressurl' '' Thanks for this, would jump on to our IRC Channel to help out with debugging this ?
  19. This sounds like a considence but feel free to post full logs. Can you send me logs ? helps out alot I will keep a close eye on this a posbiliy add this is in the future, when the project has matured abit.
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