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Posts posted by baoziking

  1. Dear UNRAID Community,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek assistance with an issue I've encountered while using the CONNECT plugin on UNRAID.

    After installing and configuring the CONNECT plugin, I attempted to use the "Flash Backup" feature. However, regardless of how many times I've tried, I consistently receive the following error message: "Failed to sync flash backup." I have thoroughly reviewed the documentation and checked all settings, but the issue persists.

    I have attached relevant log files as an attachment to provide more detailed insights into the root cause of the problem. You can find these log files in the attached documents.

    I am using UNRAID version 6.12.4 and the CONNECT plugin version is 2023.09.08.0637.

    I am uncertain if anyone else has encountered a similar issue, but I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or guidance on how to resolve this problem.

    Thank you for your assistance!


  2. Hello everyone,I'm new to unraid. First sorry for my English,hope you can read what I said.
    Recently I'm planning to build my "All in One" server.

    After some research,I decided to use unraid.
    My hardware is following:

    MOTHERBOARD: supermicro X11SRA-F, which is a C422 motherboard with ipmi

    CPU: intel w2150b

    RAM: 64G DDR4 RECC


    and some nvme drives,some hdd drives.

    Now I'm concering a problem,
    I like IPMI,but I found If I plug the discrete graphic card ,the IPMI should be black screen.

    I'm wondering If I set the onboard graphic card as the primary video card, and do a GPU passthrough

    using GTX1080 to a win10 on unraid, will the IPMI and GPU passthrough all work right?

    I googled to search the answer, but it's really hard to find the answer,

    Hoping you can read my english and give me some tips.

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