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Posts posted by zanion

  1. On 10/20/2020 at 9:00 AM, saarg said:

    You still have to use youruser.duckdns.org in the domain as you do not have control over duckdns.org. Subdomains are subdomain.youruser.duckdns.org.

    If you only have one subdomain, you don't need that comma after it, but you shouldn't have anything there for now, unless you want subdomains also.


    It might be that your ISP is blocking port 80. Go through this troubleshooting guide https://blog.linuxserver.io/2019/07/10/troubleshooting-letsencrypt-image-port-mapping-and-forwarding/

    ok, as i said in the post before, the problem is the same. I have tried to make the config as you suggest, and i got the same error.

    I have made a check on the ports, they are open.

    Udklip swag config.JPG

    docker log swag rev. 1.txt

  2. 19 hours ago, saarg said:

    You don't own duckdns, do you? You have to set the domain to whatever username you created at duckdns also. Not only duckdns.org.

    I get the same problem if i do that, i have attached my configuration of swag. If i set only subdomain to true, then it will always look at the domain+subdomain as one unit. If i do as you suggest, then i have to set the only subdomain to false, then make my subdomain under the domain tab.

    The problem is still the same.


  3. hi, i got a problem while setting up this container.

    I cant see the problem, i think it is something about the portforward. I just cannot figure out what.

    I have attached the log form the docker menu, a screendump of my port forward and a screendump of my port assignment to the docker container.


    I hope someone can help me getting this up and running

    Udklip port forward.JPG

    Udklip port assignment docker.JPG

    docker log swag.txt

  4. On 2/21/2020 at 8:35 PM, wedge22 said:

    I upgraded to 6.8.2 yesterday and then Plex stopped working, I noticed I had the old depreceated version so I decided to follow the video by Spaceinvaderone and migrate to a newer supported Plex docker from Linuxserver team. I am still having the same issues with the new docker as the old one. I can login to Plex via the webgui, page loads erros for all my folders and shows cannot connect to server. I also tried another new installation without referencing any of the old Docker appdata and I get the "No soup for you error after webgui login".

    no soup.PNG

    plex error 2.PNG

    plex error.PNG

    i got the exact same problem. Plex will run as it should for like 10min after a full reboot of my unraid server. After the 10min then its dies again.


    Anyone there got a fix to this problem?

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