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Everything posted by jrtz4

  1. For a while now I have been using a RTX 2060 passed through to a Ubuntu 20.04 VM. Everything worked great until I updated Unraid to 6.10 rc2. The VM sees the GPU but the driver appears to not load properly. My system has ACS Override enabled. I have attached the NVIDIA log. Thanks nvidia-bug-report.log
  2. Thanks so much, that did the trick!
  3. Just started setting up VMs on my new machine, but I'm unable to passthrough a gpu. I have 5 HD 7470s attached, and when I set one of them to passthrough (even with their audio devices), it gives me this error: Here's a copy of my diagnostics tower-diagnostics-20200214-1438.zip
  4. Here are my diagnostics: tower-diagnostics-20200213-1524.zip
  5. Hey so I'm currently switching my servers over to Unraid, but on one of my servers after installing unraid, I setup an array, but then when I go to the VMs tab I just get the error "Libvirt Service failed to start."
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