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Everything posted by Wateraj

  1. I setup my entire unRAID server about a month ago and I've ran parity a few times but I went to run Parity last sunday and I randomly got 2,699 errors on one of the Hard Drives, I'm wondering if someone can help me and tell me if this drive needs to be removed asap or if just some errors you can ignore. Below I attached Server Diagnostics quasimodo-diagnostics-20200407-1810.zip
  2. Hi, so recently anxiety has overcome me a bit and I just have a few questions and would like some help For some context this is my first server kind of build, I've built gaming computers before. I will mainly be using the server to hold my ripped movies and shows for Plex. Price is not a problem just trying to keep it everything realistic. My part-list so far is CPU: i5-7400 MOBO: Need help finding one that would be good for plenty of sata ports. Right now I have a cheap HP one, the board only has 3 sata connectors. PSU: I have a old Thermaltake W0319RU 850w with no sata power cables, I was also considering picking up EVGA BQ-0500-k1 Bronze Semi Modular. Case: Antec Three Hundred Two Storage: Plan on buying 2 twelves, one for parity, another 10. I already have one 10 and 2 8s, WD and Segate Externals that I will need to transfer. A Kingston 120gb for cache. Ram: I have two 4gb ddr4 2400 Hp Ram. Other: Shine star Sata Card 4 Port, 4x Sata Power Splitter, just a tiny thing of thermal paste. Questions Am I missing anything / can you help me find some reasonably priced Can someone explain the process of transferring from external drive to internal If I understand correctly, since I going to be adding 22tb with nothing on them, I can move over the two 8s shuck them clear them add them to the array. Then copy over the 10 shuck, clear, and add to the array. Is there any extra tips I should know
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