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Report Comments posted by AngriestNerd

  1. I, for one, do not like the UPC requirement. I completely understand the convenience of it, and if you like that, then I think it should be available to you. But it is important to realize that it comes with a steep security tradeoff. Even if no additional server data is transferred during the linking of the forum account and the UPC service (and that is a big "if" that needs to be made clear), that still makes it FAR too easy for keys to be compromised.

    This isn't about bashing LimeTech, but the reality of things is that forum account credentials could be compromised at some point (Ubiquiti, among others, had far worse than that happen). I would much rather keys be HARD to change, especially with them associated with my critical servers. If this change is not more explicitly avoidable, I will not purchase any further keys. I LOVE Unraid and have recommended it to many people, but this change would be a deal breaker for me.

    All user data should be able to be controlled/restricted by the user. Also, I would love to see a setting to hide the login link on the header (but I'm sure there will be a plugin/app to do this if LimeTech doesn't).

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