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Posts posted by DesktopMasters

  1. I can give you the exact changes I made if you like.  I changed the source so that I could have my own title bar color and logo in the admin portal.


    I changed the source so that the default login redirect when you go to the root url is the "Client" login and not the "Account" login.


    Yes there is.



  2. I did, but I switched back to using a VM because I wanted to hack some of the source files and it was easier to just do that rather then setup a whole new docker image.


    I have a channel on IRC in FreeNode #DesktopMasters feel free to drop in if you want to pick my brain.

  3. I am a frekin InvoiceNinja expert now.  I started a docker.  But I could not get it to work (yet).

    I do not know much about creating docker images.  And I have a list of things to do. So I set it aside for the moment.

    Realistically the existing one would work except that it is not setup to send EMails in background.  And that is a feature I want.  So I start my own up with better variable support.  If I know that there are people that would use it I might move it to a higher priority on my list to get back to.  I can easily see this eating a few days of my time.  🙂  InvoiceNinja is a work of art.  It is a great program.  There is just a lot of documentation MISSING or scattered all over the net (as written above).  Also, to complicate things more, they are working on a Version 2 and are focusing ALL their energy into that.  I have seen the demo.  It is very impressive.

  4. I have resolved my password issues!  DO NOT put a URL in the Client Portal box.  It will SCREW you.  Also there is a separate hidden page for client logins at host.com/client/login so when testing their passwords you must go there.  I will be deleting all these posts and creating a sum up post with less chaotic instructions soon.

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    • Thanks 1
  5. I was able to get the EMailing of templates working.  But it is really touch and go.  Not sure why.  Add a Variable to the container "PHANTOMJS_BIN_PATH" with the value "/usr/local/bin/phantomjs" (no quotes).  Still having issues with client passwords trying to access the portal though.

  6. Another update, there seem to be issues with client passwords and logging into to the portal if they use the buttons in the EMail.  This does not seem usable in its current state.  I will be looking into this further.  Possible a more up to date docker image?

  7. Okay, as you might imagine, I am very excited to tell you....

    I GOT IT WORKING in that unraid container... Below are the (rough?) steps I followed.


    Please keep in mind that I am JUST teaching myself docker and have never used invoiceninja.  I figured this out through research and massive tweaking and troubleshooting.  But that does not mean I cannot help you through your issues.  🙂 

    If you want to discuss this with me, or drop in and say thank you, I can be found in IRC on the FreeNode network in #DesktopMasters.  Just comment and idle and I will respond to you when I am no longer idle. (We have a pretty incredible network of techs sharing their knowledge through multiple platforms.)

    or.. just leave a note here and let me/us know if it worked!!


    Search apps for: invoiceninja anojht 
    Configure with your network settings.

    Fill in settings.
    Note: On the APP_URL remove the "https://" prefix.  It can cause weird redirect loops on the forwarding if it is there.
    Note: on the APP_KEY leave blank you will fill this in after.


    Add Variable: REQUIRE_HTTPS
    Value: false

    ^^ Not sure if this does anything at all.

    [APPLY] settings.


    In the below picture it does not show it but I later changed

    port 8000 to 80


    port 8443 to 443




    (This following is the missing step)

    Go into console of running container...
    Run the following commands

    php artisan key:generate
    # ^^ remember you have to type "yes"
    php artisan config:clear
    php artisan config:cache

    Now copy the key on your screen from the first command from between the brackets without the brackets: base64:PbmLdQrTYfcSDJSLKDALDKFFvvq/yWaGlfwiNAvjHXQ=  (The left key is an example do not use it)
    Past it into the APP_KEY field you previously left blank in the settings of the container.  (replace whatever text is there now)


    After this I was able to access it on port 8000 through my NGinX forwarded proxy (if that does not work try 80).  I was able to make it use 80 and 443 by editing the settings and advanced settings but for the sake of this and leaving defaults I did not do it on my final run and it worked on 8000.  I later changed it to 80 to do my port forwarding.  It worked on 8000 for a while then stopped.  No idea why.


    After setting up I could not access it on 8000 directly and it would always to try redirect me to https.  Also the login screen looked strange.  This happened NO MATTER what I did.  however... Whenever I access it through my web server proxy with the ssl certs it looks and works perfectly.


    This is my NGinX web server config....

    server {
      server_name billing.desktopmasters.com;
      location / {
        proxy_pass  http://invoiceninja:443/;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_set_header  Host      $host;
        proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        client_max_body_size  100m;
        client_body_buffer_size  128k;
        proxy_connect_timeout   90;
        proxy_send_timeout    90;
        proxy_read_timeout    90;
        proxy_buffer_size   4k;
        proxy_buffers   4 32k;
        proxy_busy_buffers_size  64k;
        proxy_temp_file_write_size 64k;
        listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot
    #   ssl off;
        ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/private/desktopmasters.com/fullchain1.pem; # managed by Certbot
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/desktopmasters.com/privkey1.pem; # managed by Certbot
        include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
        ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot

    # And of course for redirect from port 80 to ssl/443

    server {
      server_name billing.desktopmasters.com;
      listen  80;
      if ($host = billing.desktopmasters.com) {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
      return 404;



    ~ The Father


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  8. I am sorry, I am unclear.  Has anyone got this working as a docker container?  I see there is an image in the unraid apps repository.  But I am unable to get it working or find step by step directions on how to use it.

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