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Posts posted by RivaSABB

  1. On 4/28/2018 at 3:50 PM, DZMM said:

    I don't think so.  What you could do is have local nfo data in each folder e.g all my movies are 'scrubbed' by radarr first that creates local metadata files for kodi to pickup including artwork (although I use artwork beef for full coverage)

    Thanks for all your help. Done some investigating and it looks like integrating Emby will sort this out for me.


    Have a super day!


  2. On 4/26/2018 at 5:16 PM, DZMM said:

    you can't have different watched statuses per database.  My solution might work for you - I have two profiles setup on Kodi - Parents & Kids and in the advancedsettings.xml file for each profile I point to different databases.  For the adults - Adults_video and Adults_music and for the kids Kids_video and Kids_music.  Both profiles are on all of my kodi boxes, and the databases are centralised via mariadb/mysql, so regardless of the box used the watched status is always up to date.

    OK, I understand but is there a way to sync the databases so that I only need to maintain one? For example if I rename a movie in one database will it rename in the others?


  3. Quick question before I start, will the following scenario.


    I have a media server which runs dockers and file shares and 5 KODI devices linking back. The question is, can I have 1 updated database between the devices but multiple users? This is specifically due to different watched tags in each room as they are per person? (or is there a better way?)



  4. great info for the webgui to work but i am in same boat now. No compatible virtualbox. Might be time to learn docker :(


    I hear you! I am running v6b12 and cant upgrade until its compiled for the new kernel. Only reason I cant leave is because of a WinVM that I am running.


    .... O well....

  5. Hi, I can help with that. PhAzE had a very helpful few lines which you can add to your "GO" file.


    #PhAzE v12 Updates - virtualbox

    cp -r /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/phaze.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix

    echo "" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    echo "---" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    echo "" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    cat /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.php >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    rm -f /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.php

    sed -i 's!\r!!g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page


    Instead of restarting, after you add this to the GO file open a Telnet session and past the script in there and press enter. Refresh the VirtualBox settings page and it should now appear.



    Thanks for suggestion, but I'm afraid this will not work, looking at the addition suggested to the GO file I checked around my file system and "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/phaze.page" does not even exist on my system.


    Hopefully we will see native support of b12+ within this plugin soon, until then I'll wait!


    If you pop this in it will work. I am fairly confident because I am using it now.


    Give it a whirl, nothing to loose and would greatly appreciate a v6b14a update.



  6. will this plugin work on v6b12+???


    I have been unable to get this plugin working on 6b12+.


    I just attempted with 6b14b, I was going to compile VirtualBox for my kernel myself. I installed the plg using the webui but I could not access the plugin settings page, it was just blank even after a restart.


    Hopefully it will be updated at some stage!


    Hi, I can help with that. PhAzE had a very helpful few lines which you can add to your "GO" file.


    #PhAzE v12 Updates - virtualbox

    cp -r /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/phaze.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix

    echo "" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    echo "---" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    echo "" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    cat /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.php >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    rm -f /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.php

    sed -i 's!\r!!g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page


    Instead of restarting, after you add this to the GO file open a Telnet session and past the script in there and press enter. Refresh the VirtualBox settings page and it should now appear.



  7. Some comments on the above topic would be highly appreciated.


    Had a similar problem some time back and fixed it by changing the IP for the vboxserver host ip to I also left the port on the standard 18083. Any changes from that yielded a similar problem. Let me know if it helps.



  8. Many versions back of VirtualBox and when there was no unRAID 6, I wrote this guide: http://vbox.a1aina.com/install.php


    Most of the information specific links are out-dated and no longer available... if you just need an overview and can find newer versions of web servers and such, it "might" help you. If you need specific instructions and don't want to look into newer or different versions, avoid it.


    Once the guide was good, but things kept changing and I was unable to dedicate the time to keep it up. I'm working lots of overtime at work and recently moved to a new place (still trying to get everything unpacked and settled in)... so I won't be able to do any updating in the foreseeable future.


    Thanks for responding Lainie.


    Regarding the plugin, I still use your origional plugin and with PhAzE giving us the update in the Go file I am able to get the GUI loaded. The problem I have is that there is a new Kernel with V6B12. Could you tell me how to unpack and repack for the new kernel?


  9. I haven't got the time to do the update now.


    I have tried pHaZe's workaround for the gui and it works just fine.


    Would it be possible to just repack for the new kernel? Or is there more to it than that?


    Can anyone else help? This is the last update before upgrading to V6b12.





    If the package does not install then the plugin will show it as not installed.




    Thanks for the reply.


    You were quite right, I'd forgotten that I was using a recompiled kernal based on rc4. Chaning back to stock rc11 got vbox plugin showing all running ok now.


    Just got to get the phpvirtualbox web bit working now as it reports "PHP does not have the SOAP extension enabled." when logging in ..


    Thanks again :)


    Hi, Interested in your resolution going forward. Mine was working until I upgraded the latest SimpleFeatures version and the Vbox 0.5.2 and with all updates.

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