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Posts posted by Snubbers

  1. Wireguard works well for me as well, just installed on my IOS/Android devices and access locally.

    However, I've also temporarily setup external access another way with dual authentication using the NGINX proxy manager docker..

    Quite setup guide (and please tell me if I'm being stupid about security)


    Just to expose unRAID

    - Port fordwarded Ext 80 -> Server IP - Port 180 on the router

    - Same for Ext 443 -> Server IP - Port 1443

    - NGinx proxy manager docker set with ports 180/1443 for HTTP/HTTPS

    - I am using a subdomain (1and1 will register a cheap domain and give you 1 free wildcard SSL! which si perfect) 

    - I've installed the 1and1 cert in NGinx Proxy Manager

    - Setup a user list in the proxy manager

    - Set a proxy host in the Proxy Manager with the subdomain.mydomain.com pointing to serverIP:443 and selected the user list for authentication, and SSL Cert.

    - Configured unRAID for SSL and put my domain wildcard cert in the Flash:\\config\SSL folder as instructed


    When I then try the subdomain.domain.com address externally I am greeted with a basic authentication dialog from NGINX, once past that, I'm at the unRAID UI via SSL and have to login to that..


    I find this more convenient in work where I don't want to install a VPN Client just to check my server for 30 seconds..


    I originally did this for Krusader as that was http only, so this way it's SSL with basic authentication provided by NGINX..





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  2. I’ve been trialling unsaid for a couple of weeks now and can attest how resilient it is,

    I switched from using the motherboard 6 x Sara ports (all used with 1 parity drive and 5 storage drives in the array) to a HP240 HBA 8 port controller, I just plugged the HDDs in (any order) and it just worked.. And I just replaced that with a newly arrived lsi9207-8i controller, again just hooked up the HDDs (as it turns out in complete reverse order) and Unraid just fired up immediately and all disks got assigned correctly and the storage array started.


    UNRAID uses the disk serial numbers to assign the disks, so it can handle it if you plug them in different orders, also if all disks are not present it won’t start the array up so it won’t trash your data, it will wait for you to plug in the missing disks..

  3. I've also just picked up a H240 and ran in to the 'no temperature' issue.


    I've figured out from other threads that using the controller type "SAT, auto, 12" driver for SMART actually seems to work better, 


    using CCISS:

     smartctl -H -d cciss,0 /dev/sdb
    smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [x86_64-linux-4.19.107-Unraid] (local build)
    Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

    SMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missing
    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
    Warning: This result is based on an Attribute check.


    to using SAT:

    smartctl -H -d sat,auto,12 /dev/sdb
    smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [x86_64-linux-4.19.107-Unraid] (local build)
    Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED


    It's not perfect though, however having kept a periodic eye on the SMART attributes, I can confirm the temperature is changing, I've also noted the power on hours incrementing correctly etc, so I think the attribute data is intact.


    BUT, it's still showin * for temperature in the webui... 


    I'm happy to post diagnostics/any output required, it would nice to get it working as these are crazy cheap at the moment and after putting it in HBA mode, the only thing I had to do is turn off storage boot options in my Asus B450-F bios and it boots/works fine (it's outpacing 6 attached HDDs at the moment!).


  4. I hope someone can help a general question that has arisen initially with this docker app but might help me with others!


    I was just about to install this one but the docker template seems not to match the github/dockerhub usage instructions

    Specifically the template only has a single volume map (container: \data which defaults to host: \mnt\user\appdata\data) with the "show more settings' also having the standard container: /config to host: /mnt/user/binhex-sabnzbd mapping


    Looking on github/dockerhub, the usage instructions indicate 3 mappings:

    1. -v <path for media files>:/media \

    2. -v <path for config files>:/config \

    3. -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \


    I understand 2 and 3, one is fixed, the other hidden in 'show more settings'.. 

    However, 1 is a bit odd, /media sounds sensible, but why is the template asking for a /data and defaulting to /appdata/data?


    [edit] so a bit more digging and I've found the "docker-templates" repo on github for these so I can see the template from source does not match the usage instructions (not sure if it should/shouldn't, it may be my ignorance)..


    One thing that springs to mind, when I've edited a few installs, I've found the 'my-[docker]' tempalte files in /flash and there is a nice <config> tag that allows you to have a <description> field per item, something I've done to a couple of dockers to help me if ever editing/reinstalling.


    I know it's very cheeky to ask, but I'd absolutely love it if authors detailed things using that method in their docker templates to help us OCD people who don't want to mess things up :)






  5. First Post! (Hopefully)


    I am new to using UnRAID as an application server, so forgive my ignorance (and searching is not yielding anything) so far so good, the binhex-plexpass docker has been excellent. I unforunately tried the official docker first, but it hammered the cache drives constantly (2.2MB/s+), so switched to the binhex-plexpass (I have a plex pass ofc) and using Space Invader Ones tutorial moved the "Plex Media Server" from the old docker to the binhex one.


    As I have shares for each media type (Music, Movies, TV, Photos), I also edited/added paths in the docker template to map each of the shares to its own container path (for good house keeping I didn't want plex to have R/W access to everything in \mnt\user).


    This has left me with a little niggling doubt above the effects of these, so have three questions (if I may?)



    1. Migrating the Plex Media Server appdata folder and its effect on the 'plex pass' version of the docker:

    So following Space Invader Ones guide, I deleted the "Plex Media Server" subfolder of appdata\binhex-plexpass and replaced this with the one from the official docker, so I am now wondering if this undoes anything 'plex pass' specific?


    2: Adding extra paths to the docker template?

    Is this a good or bad idea? I stated why above (to limit plex's access to \mnt\user to only those folders it needs) but this does mean I've deviated from the standard docker template and as I've only got 2 dockers installed so far (binhex-krusader and binhex-plexpass) I would like to follow best practices and not make things up if it could bite me later!


    3. No port assignment in the docker manager

    I noted for the offficial plex docker, and also for krusader there are port mappings showing in the docker manager and when adding a new docker you can use the 'show docker allocations' to make sure you don't end up with two dockers figting over one port. However with binhex-plexpass there are no port mappings (just an empty space in this column in the docker manager, and when using the 'show docker allocations' it just shows '???'. I know Plex requires port 32400 for external access (I have always had this port forwarded to the server for plex for as long as I've been using plex (mainly on windows)) but should it not show in the docker manager to help ensure it isn't attempted to be used by any other container, or is that the different between bridge and host mode?



    Thanks for any advice! To the best of my knowledge binhex-plexpass seems to be working perfectly and loving the ease of setup so far!


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