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Posts posted by ctrl-z

  1. I recently changed the host path of my docker container and also changed in the deluge settings where the files that get downloaded go to, and now Deluge won't work for any new files. i have heard that changing the folders will do that.

    History - i have been using Deluge alongside Radarr, and was getting a lot of alerts about it being an issue that my download client was sending to a root folder, so I switched it to a non root folder. Now it won't download. Also seeing in Radarr now that the I am missing a root folder. 

    What is the best set up to have? 

    Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 3.30.06 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 3.30.23 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 3.31.05 PM.png

  2. I cam across this thread that pertains to an issue I am having: 

    I have had a licensed SanDisk USB for a couple years now and it has worked flawlessly up until a day or two ago. I stumbled across that thread and am wondering if my USB disk fits into this thread's topic. I now am unable to boot via USB on my R720, and am curious what options I Have to regain access to my OS. 

    My drives are all still in working order, is this as simple as licensing a new USB and replacing it, what else should I be looking for in order to access my OS? I am concerned I may be at a loss without being able to restore my access. Also what process should I follow to add a new stick to my server and be bale to boot into my Unraid. 

  3. I have had a licensed SanDisk USB for a couple years now and it has worked flawlessly up until a day or two ago. I stumbled across this thread and am wondering if my USB disk fits into this thread's topic. I now am unable to boot via USB on my R720, and am curious what options I Have to regain access to my OS. 

    MY drives are all still in working order, is this as simple as licensing a new USB and replacing it, what else should I be looking for in order to access my OS? I am concerned I may be at a loss without being able to restore my access. 

  4. I would like to add a drive (4 TB WD Purple) specifically for NVR into my Unraid server. I don't want to add it to my existing array of WD Red NAS drives. What should the process be that I follow? Should I leave as an unassigned drive, do I need to create a new array (don't anticipate expanding this), do I need another drive to act as parity (not concerned with keeping an extensive amount of recordings here, just wanting to keep a few day's worth of data if I need to look back. Will be filling data from 3-4 cameras. That's what I've got so far, let me know if you have any questions or wanna talk through anything! Thanks!

  5. 16 hours ago, TheOgre said:

    Definitely have to make sure none of the ports overlap as you'll only be accessing them via the HOST IP, just make sure the first 2 variable ports are the same for each container (UDP/TCP respectively)

    Thanks! The only two ports that overlap on these are port 8118, which it seems is required to use privoxy. 


    " This Docker includes OpenVPN and WireGuard to ensure a secure and private connection to the Internet, including use of iptables to prevent IP leakage when the tunnel is down. It also includes Privoxy to allow unfiltered access to index sites, to use Privoxy please point your application at "http://host ip:8118"."


    Is it possibel to assign a different port to use Privoxy or am i going to need to use a different setup. Main use case is to seperate video media from audio and print media - using different download clients for each. 

  6. If I wanted to run both qBittorrentvpn and Delugevpn on the same server what do I need to consider? I run deluge now, and just installed qb and am getting a server error. Was curious if both using pots 8118 as a host port would cause an issue, otherwise I used the predefined host ports for the others, which are different and no other containers are using those ports. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Are you using DHCP, or are you trying to force Unraid to use a static IP that might not be on the subnet with your router after the reset?

    I am using DHCP, yes. I know this because in the past, when I moved from ISP router to Unifi router, and back, just for separate testing purposes (not related to assigning IP addresses) my NAS would show up on my network with its new assigned IP address. In the past, it would just show up on the network, with a different IP address,a nd I would use my router interface to find out what it was and log into it from there. I didn't do this more than once, as it was mostly just speed comparison testing, but it at least would show up int he past. THe only thing different this time is the factory reset, but can't see Unraid IP address. 

  8. 39 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:

    It is possible that your router assigned the different IP address to Unraid after the factory reset.


    Is your server visible in your router management interface ?

     The r720 Server is, but not the Unraid Server running off it. They both have historically had different IP addresses, and i would always log into the unraid one. I knew it would reassign a new IP address, but in the router interface the unraid server isn't showing upa s a connected device. Everything else on the network is, both Ethernet and wifi. The unraid server is Ethernet, obviously, so i have tried different router ports and it still wont show.

  9. As the title suggests, I cannot access the GUI for my unraid server because I cannot see it on my network to access the IP address. I recently had to factory reset my router because of some internet issues that were occurring where I couldn't even access the network, so I couldn't even log into the server to shut it down.


    After the factory reset, the Unraid IP address does not show up in my network at all. The Server IP itself, where I log into the iDRAC settings (DellR720) shows up and I can get into that, but cannot find my unraid IP address. I am using a Mac locally to access the server via web GUIO, and am not as IT savy as many of you others. What should I do? How can I get into the Web GUI?



  10. On 9/2/2020 at 5:41 AM, sauso said:

    Legend.  Will buy you a Coffee


    This may seem like a silly question, but with regards to getting this search issue to work, how does one update Mono? I applied an update to the container, but still have no luck with finding any movies in search. 

  11. My torrents are all stalling from going to slow. Finally using PIA to have the Strict_Port_Forwarding labeled 'yes'. (Also tried it at 'no with same stalling issue). Torrents coming in from Radarr/Sonarr with Proxy turned on from enabled Privoxy. I have everything set up for a min. of 2 peers, and all qbittorrent settings set up the way I had them on my local machine (not in a docker). Anyone else have similar issues on their initial startup and what did you do to fix this?


    Here is a snippet from my logs showing the endpoint that I am using is in the list of endpoints supporting port forwarding.


    2020-04-18 12:16:18,964 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] PIA endpoint 'ca-montreal.privateinternetaccess.com' is in the list of endpoints that support port forwarding


    2020-04-18 12:16:18,965 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] List of PIA endpoints that support port forwarding:-
    [info] ca-montreal.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] ca-vancouver.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] de-berlin.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] sweden.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] swiss.privateinternetaccess.com

  12. UPDATE: So I did a few things, none of which I can identify as the culprit for this starting to work. I began removing plugins, but no changes occurred as a result of that.  An idea came into my head to shut down all dockers (of which I couldn't do from the WebUI because I couldn't access that tab) and found that the CA Backup/Restore Appdata has it built in to shut down and restart the dockers.  So I backed up everything (appdata, flash drive and libvert) and it shut everything down and restarted everything during the backup. All of a sudden things started working again. I wonder if it had something to do with the dockers that were running.  Right now almost all of my dockers have updates waiting to be applied. I am concerned about updating them, although I will do them individually to see if anything else changes, then repeat this process.  Before doing so I'll check docker support pages to see how people are responding to their updates - I had some problems with other updates before. So, I am going to test all these and mark as solved when I see that it all still works. 

  13. 1 hour ago, bastl said:

    @ctrl-z I had an issue a couple days ago by updating the S3 sleep plugin. Main tab refused to show any UD devices. Remove the plugin if installed and check if it helps. Fresh install of S3 should help. Somehow the update broke something for me.

    Thanks for the recommendation - so far that didn't seem to help - i am removing several plugins at this point, with no luck. The performance of my Unraid seems to poor as well. My server itself (PowerEdge 720) as far as I can tell is not the issue. All hardware is working well from CPU performance, to memory and temps. But Unraid is still not working the way it was for my first month +.  The only thing I have done is installed dockers but I can't even uninstall those at this point. 

  14. Version 6.8.3


    I have been having an issue for about 2 weeks that I cannot find the cause problem for. Essentially, my web gui is not "responding" completely, or loading certain tabs/full screens.  As you can see form the pictures, in this instance, it does not load the entire "main" tab, where I have no control over array operations or unassigned disks, and I also cannot load certain tabs (e.g.- Docker tab). Some of the containers are "responding" in that they load the login screens (e.g.- qbittorrent) but don't really do anything other than that - cannot log in even. 


    I was having trouble doing a clean powerdown form the command line - instructions I found so it shutdown and had to do a parity check (approx. 1 week ago), so a reboot did solve for this problem (for more than the first 5 minutes of the parity check). Parity check completed, kept getting some notifications about updates happening to applications, so things "seem to be working" with exception of I can't really do much.  Included unedited diagnostics Zip.


    Cannot access:

    • Dashboard
    • Full Main Tab view
    • Plugins
    • Docker
    • VMs




  15. So I am having trouble with speeds in qbittorrent as well. I know the documentation says that if we aren't using PIA we have to manually set up port forwarding for the VPN provider we are using. I have Nord (I guess they don't have allow port forwarding), but the rest of the container seems to work great alongside privoxy for web traffic and other container proxies (sonarr, radarr, etc.). 


    Does anyone know if top speeds will be possible with this setup and Nord, or am I outta luck on that? 



  16. I feel as though this should be more simple than it's proving itself to be. I am a new user and will explain my existing situation. There are a few causes that I am assuming are the case, so I am looking for validation or direction if I am doing this wrong. 


    Initial Setup : Began my Unraid server with 2 500 GB SSDs as a single 1 TB cache pool. I had two 6 TB WD Red drives that were precleared twice 1 set up as parity and one as Disk 1. I have a 3TB WD RED in my PC that is storing my media, so I transferred that data to an external 10 TB WD Easystore. I then used Krusader to transfer the data from the external 10 TB to Disk 1. Shucked the 10 TB to put into the server as the new parity disk.  


    Naming Key: 6 TB Parity (WLR), 6 TB Disk 1 (3JR), 10 TB Easystore (4NZ)

    Server: Dell r720 Poweredge with H310 Mini, Flashed to IT mode


    Where I am at now: I precleared the 10 TB drive 1 time (52 hours) and also did 1 extended SMART test, maybe 24 hours or so (putting this drive at approximately 100+ hours of use since I got some use out of it prior to it being precleared, when it was still in case). There were no issues reported from each of these. Here is what I did next:


    • Stop array
    • Move Parity to "No Device" (WLR went to unassigned)
    • Assigned 4NZ to Parity
    • Only got the "Copy" option, when I moved Disk 1 to not assigned (moving 3JR) to Unassigned, and put WLR as Disk 1.  This gave me the option to "copy" parity data from the 6 TB to the 10 TB. I could not add 3JR back to the Disks until the copy was done. 
    • Copy started (taking approx. 12-15 hours) but then did not seem to take. Did it a second time, took about the same amount of time, and did not seem to take. 

    I can't seem to get to a point where I can rebuild the array after any copy sessions proving that the parity data is in fact on 4NZ. I cannot put WLR back into the array to rebuild with 3JR.  The only things that look like I could do something is when 4NZ and WLR are in Parity and Disk 1 respectively. I can't even start the array back up with the original configuration of the 2 6 TB drives.  


    *A note should be made that I have not put any Kapton tape on the 10 TB fixing the 3.3 v issue. Would that have popped up in the preclear or SMART tests, or is it in fact affecting the actual copy procedure (I have seen the copy procedure at 90+% completed before falling asleep to wake up and find that it did not complete overnight). If this is in fact the case, I plan on fixing this issue, but still am curious as to why it didnt affect any of the preclear or SMART tests, since I do know of some that have just put these shucked drives into their servers with no issue. 


    I have included the lastest SMART reports, as well as some screenshots with variations of drive placement, including the original configuration in the current state of not being able to start the array. 


    Thank you for your help and patience getting me through this!




    WDC_WD100EMAZ-00WJTA0_1EGLD4NZ-20200323-0732.txt WDC_WD6003FFBX-68MU3N0_V8JGB3JR-20200323-0307.txt WDC_WD6003FFBX-68MU3N0_V8JGKWLR-20200323-0733.txt

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