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Posts posted by qmatic

  1. On 12/22/2020 at 4:05 AM, thering1975 said:

    I can, however, the reason i posted the css, is because some icons were changed to match the theme, obviously the storage paths in the zip file will not match on your setup, so i removed them from the above.


    What i may do is change the paths to something more generic that the icons could be uploaded to and the paths stay the same.


    gimme a few


    Understood, thank you!

  2. On 10/26/2020 at 10:24 AM, thering1975 said:

    Sure, been some refinements and additional menu / icon animation, some stuff may not be relevant so you can remove


    Was done over black base theme


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    With link and blue text colour set to #ed145b in main settings, and menu text set to #ffffff

    Could you upload your zip file if it's not too much to ask?

  3. So after reading the wiki, I’ve figured my split levels are wrong. I still need help understanding it and setting it optimally for my shares.


    i have my media shares set up as the following:


    movies\movie name\movie file

    for this setup, if I want all movie names folder to be on the same disk until it has to move onto a second disk (high water), I would set it to level 1 or top level correct? If i have more than 1 file in the folder such as a .nfo file, would level 1 still work because split level only pertains to folders?


    for shows I have it on another share as:

    shows\tv show name\season\episodes

    if I wanted my tv show folders to be on the same disk while seasons can be split up, I would set it to level 2 correct?


    Also, since my initial setup was wrong, is there a plugin to fix this by moving the folders to the correct disks?

  4. I've got 2 14tb drives mounted as unassigned and 4 8tb drives in an array. I moved all my data from the 14tb drives to the 8tb drives. I now need to add my 14tb drives to my array (one 14tb as parity).  When I tried to do this I got this error: 


    You may not add new disk(s) and also remove existing disk(s).


    What step am I missing? Also I would like to clear the 14tb drives of all data as well.

  5. I had the same issues some of you guys are having that is it was working perfectly fine then I messed around with it and my drop down list became empty.


    I finally got it fixed by deleting sensors.conf in /etc/sensors.d/ and then reinstalling dynamix. Then I ran into another problem where coretemp wasn't showing up in the list and I unloaded and reloaded the driver and that seem to have done the trick. 

  6. 42 minutes ago, Dissones4U said:

    Technically they're JBOD, even with parity as there is no striping. For example if you have a 5 disk array with single parity and lose 3 out of 5 disks the single good data disk is completely intact and readable. The good disk can easily be removed and plugged into another device with the contents fully intact. Now depending on how you set your shares to split, you may have some incomplete seasons. I think most recommend to set the split so that entire seasons stay on the same disk. That way you may lose some seasons but the ones you have will be complete but I digress, yeah, it's pretty much JBOD + parity.


    Thanks! I have a better understanding of it now. 

  7. That makes sense! If I'm to understand this correctly, the 14tb drives are just treated as seperate drives until I set up a parity drive correct?


    I don't have anything that's really irreplaceable but it would be a hassle to have to reacquire them.

  8. Currently have a Synology with 4x8tb drives running SHR1. Currently have about 15tb used.


    I have bought two new 14tb drives to put into my upcoming unraid build.


    Here's what I was planning to do:


    1. Install the two new 14tb drives without parity at first to have enough drive space for data from the synology
    2. Copy files from synology to unraid server
    3. Shut down synology and remove the 4x8tb hard drives
    4. Put the 4x8tb into unraid server and format
    5. Make one of the 14tb drives a parity drive


    Is this possible or is there a better way? Thanks!

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