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Posts posted by immageek

  1. 6 hours ago, Vr2Io said:

    My last purchase motherboard was Supermicro IPMI and BMC, but Amazon send me a used board so I return it and buy Asus which save around USD 140.

     I choice it not because IPMI/BMC, mainly depends on which motherboard were most I want ....... So, life never with Supermicro and IPMI/BMC.

    I hear ya. I'm looking at the Asrock Rack X470D4U. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Vr2Io said:

    IPMI and BMC capabilities not a bad idea, but in my opinion., consumer motherboard better then server board overall. I use WOL for wakeup, IoT for power monitoring and VPN for Unraid remote management.

    Yeah. I've been reading up on the PI-KVM and that could be a sweet solution down the line if I ever decide I want KVM access. But VPN would be the way to go otherwise.

  3. 2 minutes ago, theruck said:

    look at the new hp microserver line, it could serve you all without need of building

    Thanks, but I have a 16 bay Supermicro chassis that I'm not looking to move out of.

  4. 3 minutes ago, theruck said:

    you can turn on the server remotely even with wake on lan and usually with a home server like this there is someone at home to turn it on :)

    True, that can be an option, but IPMI is far more useful, and turning the unRaid server on is less of an issue since it will be on all the time. As I sit back and think about it more it almost seems more like a novelty than anything else. If I did more or had to manage it more often like I would at work, then I could see it.

  5. So I have an itch to want to rebuild my unRaid server and move the old gear in the old case it came from and make it a dedicated backup server that I can turn on and off at me leisure via IPMI access.


    What I'm trying to decide or justify the cost for a server motherboard that has IPMI and BMC capabilities since I have a Supermicro 836 with the quiet power supplies. Being able to remotely turn the server on or off or see the power draw is neat, but not 100% sure it's all that important.


    I'm considering going with an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 so server boards are very limited which is part of my conundrum. I do run Plex but really don't do any transcoding so going Intel with iGPU isn't a huge concern of mine, I'm more looking for lower power draw. If needed i have a Quadro m2000 I could use.


    Any thoughts?

  6. Thanks for the reply and information. It's good to hear that what I have can work. The only thought on going the Ryzen route would be to hopefully consume less power draw compared to my Xeon rig. Seeing as I currently don't have a Plex Pass any trancoding is done by the CPU and so far hasn't effected anything, granted it's usually just 1 stream, since I didn't realize until it's too late that the Apple TV 4K doesn't direct play MKVs so Plex has to transcode those, hopefully I'll get around to converting them to MP4, once in a blue moon a remote stream. 


    As for VMs, it would probably be just one Windows 10 VM running fully time with BI, that is if I even decide to move it over from the dedicated box it's on now. But the one I'm really thinking about moving over is my firewall, so that I can retire that box. It's currently untangle, but I might switch it over to opensense, so a single core will run that no problem.


    With 6 drives, would it be fine to have just 1 parity drive? Right now 2 of them are parity as that's why they suggest. I have a 7th 4TB drive that I would use for parity and the other 6 would be for storage. At what line do you consider a second parity drive with unRaid?

  7. So for the last year and a half I've had a FreeNas box running without issues pretty much running only Plex. FreeNas is horrible for VMs so that's part of my thought train here to move to unRaid. I'm curious as to if it's worthwhile to keep my gear as is and just move over to unRaid or get a new CPU, motherboard and Ram? Specs are below.


    Supermicro X9SLR-f motherboard

    Intel Xeon E5-2650v2 CPU

    32GB Samsung DDR3 ECC memory

    LSI 9211 controller

    Fractal R4 case

    6 - 4TB HDST 7200RPm NAS drives

    128GB SATA SSD boot drive


    The NAS stores mostly movies, a mix of 4K and 1080p, and some system backups and just stores files. I'd like to obvioulsy do Plex, VMs, thinking about moving my Blue Iris over to it and a few other things down the road. Would I be alright with this rig or should I look into a Ryzen 5 2600x, which is what I'm considering to buy. I have a Quadro M2000 on hand and might have access to a P2000, but let's not swing this all on that card. 


    Or would I be best to leave it alone for now. My only other thing is storage expansion SUCKS on FreeNas and I'm nearing that now, so unRaid would be more flexible for me in that regards.



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