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Report Comments posted by darkdev

  1. 4 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    Downgrade to v6.8.3 and see if it helps, unlikely your problem is v6.9

    I'll try that, if I have the same problem then I'll make a thread in general support instead.

  2. Just had a crash again even after the ryzen tweaks, I would appreciate any help I can get as it right now crashes every day. I guess roll back to the stable version could work (if this is an 6.9 problem).

  3. I have the same problem it seems. Been really stable for 2 months now but started crashing this weekend, and right now it crashes multiple times a day. The UI still works but is really slow, cpu util is at 100%, can't really get diagnostics because nothing happens. I have attached one of the syslogs with the crash and diagnostics after reboot.


    Next I'll try the ryzen tweaks mentioned above.

    syslog-1588600124 homeserver-diagnostics-20200502-2106.zip

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