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  1. absolutely love this docker image - just wanted to ask - if the vpn is ever down - is it built in such a way to stop the connection completely? so you don't have any leaks. thank you
  2. ah thanks. I havne' tworked out how to run the commands yet on the syn but running in docker UI seems to work but i am blocked on Waiting for SABnzbd process to start listening on port 8080... it doesn't listen. have tried diff ports as well. deleting the perm.txt and sab ini file seem to get me past this and is now says listening on port 8080 but i can't access the web UI. Seems to with ssl connection can I pass this as an environment variable in the container settings? I just can't work out how to do this -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ EDIT: So i added localtime variable as /localtime:ro in environment and that i think fixed it as i can access it now. thank you!
  3. alright so i set this up via synology i am close to having it working (I used the syn ui to do it via docker and setting the environment variables. the container starts fine I get to this in the logs: [info] SABnzbd process started stdout 20:12:26 [info] Waiting for SABnzbd process to start listening on port 8080... but it never starts. i would really appreciate advice. thank you
  4. hi - i have a really silly question. when installing this image following the instructions on the readme do you do each line command at a time i.e docker run -d \ ENTER then --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ ENTER etc? thank you
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