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binhex last won the day on July 19

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    I got 99 problems, and unRAID ain't 1.


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    Addicted to the internet

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  1. PIA are still doing OK in my opinion, cheap and more importantly have a track record for 0 logging, their latest transparency report is out:-
  2. just tested and it works for me, i can see the web ui, so i can only conclude that your config is causing the issue, try renaming your host path for /config so that the container re-creates it then reconfigure the app.
  3. you need to delete your user template from unraid:- go main docker tab in unraid web ui click on 'add container' (yes its non intuitive) click on select a template and ensure you are under 'user templates' section and select the template you want to delete click on the X to the right of the template name and confirm deletion go to CA and install the app and reconfigure.
  4. try this, open your openvpn config file, change this line:- cipher aes-256-gcm to:- data-ciphers AES-256-GCM taken from here:- https://discuss.freedombox.org/t/solved-openvpn-depreciated-cipher/2625
  5. OK so thats the older template you have there, template updates are NOT pushed out to clients, if you want the latest template then you will need to remove the existing user template and reinstall from CA - i would recommend making a note of all your existing settings before doing this.
  6. well strictly speaking its not an error, its a deprecation ;-), not sure of the fix for that off the top of my head tbh.
  7. yep, PIA requires a poll to keep the port open and has done for some time (years).
  8. ok that looks alright, just to double check try left click container, console then type 'touch /data/torrents/delme.txt' does it create a file without error?, look on your host can you see file '/mnt/user/data/torrents/delme.txt' ?
  9. what has been there from the beginning?, "Path: /shared"? ,that has only been added in the past couple of weeks, screenshot please.
  10. click on ' Show more settings ...' at the bottom in the edit screen
  11. OK can you please also paste a screenshot of Options/Downloads in the qBittorrent web ui, i am particular interested in the completed and incomplete paths, my suspicion is that is not correctly defined and therefore it cannot start the torrent as it has nowhere to save to.
  12. That's totally expected, we need to poll the port at least every 15 minutes to keep it open, so to ensure we are within the 15 minutes period we poll every 10 minutes:- https://github.com/binhex/arch-int-vpn/blob/1c9a9a33d8bd53526766b128e8cd110507a945ca/run/local/tools.sh#L872-L875 EDIT - if it bothers you then i can set this to only be visible when DEBUG is set to true but it does no harm and shows you what your currently assigned incoming port is.
  13. most probably path related:- I will need to see a log to help further, please see the following link:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/help.md#unraid-users
  14. you can do either, do keep in mind though most vpn providers limit the bandwidth for a single tunnel so you may get better speeds if you simply enabled the vpn for each qbittorrentvpn container instead.
  15. Thanks!, i have been revamping all the templates and typo's and copy/paste mistakes are bound to creep in, now corrected.
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