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Posts posted by billotronic

  1. Nice app and thanks for the work.


    Not sure what the deal is but the original link in the listing in Community Apps has a typo in the support thread link








    But was updated once I installed your app. I wasn't sure if this is on your end or CA's so I figured I would let someone know.


    Thanks again


    [edit] actually after a second look it appears to be an issue with the redirect so honestly not sure.


    Can you give me a a little more info on how to use the lighttpd package in unmenu. I installed it but I don't know what to do now.


    Full disclosure I use SF and not lighttpd


    With that being said, looks like basic config info can be found here:




    The most important aspect though is to password protect (strongest pass phrase you can remember) this if you open it to the internet (which you should NOT do unless you are very familiar and comfortable with network security)... IP's from China will try to break in.


    [edit] One more thing, you probably can not run with traditional ports for this. by default unraid already uses 80 and unmenue 8080 so keep that in mind when picking a port

  3. Ok, silly question.


    My current vb install took a crap on me (dumb @$$ me pulled the plug on the server by mistake) and I am fixing on upgrading to r12 and trying out this plugin.


    Is there any pointers on what I would need to do to disable/remove my previous vb? Looking at the screens closely, this plugin configures the go script for me? (which is SUPER sexy)


    In my head (and mind you I am not at home to look at the fs for reference) I need to remove previous entries in go script and move all vb files an folders to a backup dir on my cache?


    I'm such a dork... I really am looking forward to trying this plugin out. It took me every bit of two weeks working on it nights and weekends to get vb set up right and running. It did not help that I was very wet behind the ears with unRaid, but still. This is going to be great.


    Thanks again for making this bud.

  4. wow! simply wow!


    Successfully installing and running vb on unraid was by far the hardest task when I first started using vb and now there is this! AMAZING and a huge THANK YOU!


    I can not wait to give this a go, but I will. I am too bloody terrified of fighting with vb again but will definitally keep an eye on this project... or maybe set up a test server... been meaning to do that anyways.


    Thanks again!


    p.s. )(*!&@#(*!@ LOVE UNRAID! w00t

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