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Everything posted by bronsonmcsmash

  1. Hi guys. I'm currently rebuilding a drive from parity. During rebuild my server has started erroring out massively (Read and write errors) . For some reason its seeing my active server drives as unnassigned drives while they are on the server and mounted . Currently my data is all still accessable via emulation. Some of the files can't seem to be copied while this is going on.
  2. Thanks so much it was my switch. You saved me so much time thanks heaps!
  3. Hi, I'm only getting transfer speeds of 10 MB - 12 MB per second when I transfer from my unraid server to my PC. I'm wondering if its due to the fact that my network card on my server computer ( intel NUC NUC5CPYB ) is too slow. Here is what is says about my network card. (see image 2). I've searched many forums but there don't seeem to be many clear solutions I can see. Any help will be greatly appreciated. syslog.txt
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