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Posts posted by Jufy111

  1. **edit fix error


    If you have not resolved this yet, follow the below steps.

    1. On the unraid UI, navigate to the docker tab

    2. Scroll to the bottom and click "add a container"

    3. Use the following for each of the fields

    4. Scroll to the bottom of the config page and click "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device"

    5. Use the following settings

    • Config Type: Path
    • Name: DATA
    • Container Path : /app/data/
    • Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata/syncpod/data

    6. Again, click "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device"

    7. Use the following settings

    • Config Type: Path
    • Name: CONFIG
    • Container Path : /app/config.toml
    • Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata/syncpod/config.toml


  2. You can setup 2 wordpress containers in unraid using the following steps.

    1. Go to the docker tab on the unraid web-UI. 

    2. Scroll to the bottom and click "add a container"

    3. Click on template, find wordpress. This should Autofill the information.

    4. Choose a different name such as "wordpress-2"

    5. Change the host port: 8081  **chose a port that is not in use

    6. Change the host path: /mnt/user/appdata/wordpress-2

    7.  Change use a different WORDPRESS_DB_NAME.


    ** Instead of wordpress-2, you can call it something else.


    You will then have to configure your reverse proxy to point each subdomain to the appropriate containers.

    • Like 2
  3. I answered this on reddit, but I'll add it here incase anyone else has the same issue.


    Use the following settings in the docker container setup:

    Name: sheepitrenderfarm

    Icon URL : https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/903628649680822273/uX-KsdRC_400x400.jpg

    Repository: sheepitrenderfarm/client:gui

    WebUI: http://[IP]:[PORT:5800]/


    You also need map the ports. Scroll to the bottom of the container config page and click"Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device"


    Config type: Port

    Name: WEBUI_PORT

    Container Port: 5800

    **Host Port : 5800


    **Note check if any other containers are using port 5800. If they are, change the host port to 5801 or something else that isn't being used. You do not need to update the WebUI field if you change the host port.

    Hope this helps

    • Thanks 1
  4. I'll post this here, as I spend far to long looking for it myself.


    It's a list of the nordVPN counties for the nordVPN API. Particually usefull when using IMTheNachoMan's Nordlynx container. Please note, this list is from somewhere else, it may not be correct.


    For the "QUERY" Variable in IMTheNachoMan's NordLynx container, use the following line with the number adjusted to whatever country you want to connect to. In this case it is connecting to Estonia.




     Country codes:
    2, Albania
    10, Argentina
    13, Australia
    14, Austria
    21, Belgium
    27, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    30, Brazil
    33, Bulgaria
    38, Canada
    43, Chile
    52, Costa Rica
    54, Croatia
    56, Cyprus
    57, Czech Republic
    58, Denmark
    68, Estonia
    73, Finland
    74, France
    80, Georgia
    81, Germany
    84, Greece
    97, Hong Kong
    98, Hungary
    99, Iceland
    100, India
    101, Indonesia
    104, Ireland
    105, Israel
    106, Italy
    108, Japan
    114, South Korea
    119, Latvia
    125, Lithuania
    126, Luxembourg
    128, North Macedonia
    131, Malaysia
    140, Mexico
    142, Moldova
    153, Netherlands
    156, New Zealand
    163, Norway
    174, Poland
    175, Portugal
    179, Romania
    192, Serbia
    195, Singapore
    196, Slovakia
    197, Slovenia
    200, South Africa
    202, Spain
    208, Sweden
    209, Switzerland
    211, Taiwan
    214, Thailand
    220, Turkey
    225, Ukraine
    227, United Kingdom
    228, United States
    234, Vietnam

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