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Posts posted by TacticalTuna

  1. I just did a new build using this particular motherboard. The boot sequence hangs with code F6 on the motherboard LED. I upgraded the bios to the latest version, and I ran a successful memtest in additional to removing all devices.


    The odd thing is is that if I boot into the bios setup before the machine posts and then exit the system will continue and boot normally into unraid. however if I just do a reboot, the system will hang with the F6 code.

  2. Posting this here for anyone who might be searching for a solution to the same issue I was having.


    I was steaming some content from my Unraid machine and suddenly the connection dropped. I noticed that the system had powered off. After powering the machine back on it would immediately crash and power off again. In some cases I could boot up and it would stay on for a minute before crashing again.


    After booting into safe mode I was able to run a SMART check on all disks and xfs repair with no problems. As soon as I would try to spin up the array or run a parity check the system would power off immediately. Oddly I was able to start the array In maintenance mode sometimes.


    After a few hours of searching I found this post which tipped me off. Turns out I had a bad power supply unit (PSU). After swapping it out for a new one everything runs just fine and the machine has been running with zero issues.


    My theory is that since the PSU was going bad the machine would boot and run fine in safe mode no problem but the additional power draw from spinning up the disks to mount the array or run parity check would be enough to trip up the bad PSU.

  3. I would love some feedback on my build, as I am a novice builder but I was able to piece this together.




    • Small footprint with the most number of HDDs
    • Hardware accelerated encoding & decoding with Plex on an nVidia video cards (two 4K streams or two+ 1080p streams).
    • Ability to run multiple Docker containers and Virtual machines simultaneously.




    • I have 5x mechanical drives and one SSD for the OS installation. Should I just change that to another drive the same as the others and install the OS on the disk array?
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