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Posts posted by MacRaid

  1. Thank you guys for your reply, I was actually performing a Smart Extended Self-test which took a good 8-9hrs and no errors. So I'll let it be with the Smart test (unless I get more recommendations to run a preclear).

    Thanks again guys and stay safe...

  2. Hey guys, so short story...

    One of my HDD fail, finally I got a replacement which I formated, mounted (forgot to pre-clear) and then started my UnRaid and now is rebuilding my UnRaid.


    Question is:

    1. Should I let it be or somehow try to unmount       and pre-clear?

    2. Is it worth it?

    3. What are the cons/pros on doing that?


    P.d. all other drives were precleared.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. Thanks Johnnie, I'll try and do that, at the moment I"m trying to save some family stuff from that disk (which apparently still accesible or maybe I'm just pulling the data from emulated). So I'm putting that data on another disk (inside the unraid) and another external drive then I'll try swapping cables. 

    I'll update as soon as posible.

  4. Hey guys, hope you all are doing well and safe. 

    So yesterday after installing some extra fans on my UnRaid and NO previous failures/warning, all of a sudden about 20min after starting up I had a message that 33 errors were found on my Disk2, later on I got the "Device is disabled..." message. The disk is a WD Red less than 1 year old and as I said no issues before so I suspect I moved a cable while installing the fans, so I open up again a recheck all cables then after re-start the drive shows "not installed".

    This is the first time sending a log from my UnRaid so let me know if the one below is the one I'm supposed to send.

    Any help will be appreciated...


  5. Hey guys,


    I'm finishing setting up my deluge/sonarr/plex etc environment, I have my deluge working fine with files moving from incomplete to complete to each assigned folder. but the original file in folder "complete" stays there, so I'm trying to install AutoRemovePlus plugin from GUI and manually without success, it just won't appear inside the plugin options even after closing and opening deluge. 

    Can you share some light to solve this issue and/or another plugin or solution?


    Thanks in advance...


    UnRaid 6.8.3

    Deluge 2.0.4


  6. Thanks Tim, 


    • I'm not sure how it can't be accessible from the internet when it uses internet to work plus my download gets register outside my network.
    • I don't know how port forwarding works and/or if it's active nor I know if I need it or not.
    • How "high port" should it be set on deluge and where?


    • How do I get a valid certificate?
    • My private IP is the one I use to access my router, right?


    • Private places need invite and I read they have different rules which I don't yet understand, can I set NordVpn on Unraid and this dockers?


    I know I'm asking you to level down with me but is much appreciated.

  7. Thanks for your response Squid, I am accessing from home and atm not interested to have remote access. 3 things I'm concern, 1. So many blogs saying to protect (or not leave it "open) your deluge, sonarr, jackett etc. 2. The URL saying "not secure" and 3. Being able to see anything downloaded with the iknowwhatyoudownload site.

    I'm not that advance to be sure but I don't think there's anything sniffing around.

  8. Hey guys... So, slowly but surely I'm progressing with my UnRaid and extras. Now I need your help again.


    I have set up a combination of Jackett, Sonarr, Deluge and Plex. I manage to "secure" my UnRaid with the encryption certificate in Settings/Management Access (so now is https) there are a lot of thing I don't fully understand how they work but still learning.

    Now with the other mention dockers the URL still shows "Not Secure"on Chrome, I have read a LOT of treads and saw a lot of videos but I wish to hear from you guys the experts in one spot.

    I wish to protect my UnRaid, my IP, network usage (uploads and downloads history), make it private but funcional... etc. I've read about installing SSL certificates, setting up private ports, using VPN's or alike OpenVpn (too expensive for me), DuckDNS, Private Internet Access (good price), Privoxy (I think is free) etc... I have a NordVpn subscription for another 2 years but can't find anything to set it up for dockers.

    The question is which configuration or combination would you recommend to accomplish this if possible with no or minimum extra subscriptions required (I know i'm asking a lot) also taking in account my knowledge on the subject is much much less than standard. 

    Thank you in advance and be safe...

  9. Sorry for the late update.


    So I manage all changes and after reboot it assign the same IP as expected.

    My Router was tricky since it only had "Reserve IP address" option, but I guess the function is the same.


    A big thank you to all for your help and patience.


    Be safe...

  10. 1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

    Just leave it set at /24 unless you know you have to set to some other valu

    I'll do that, very little knowledge about this.

    1 hour ago, Hoopster said:

    Here are my network settings for eth0.  I also set static DNS entries to a third-party (Cloudflare) DNS

    I'll go step and test, one at the time:

    1. Change the IP in UnRaid, test.

    2. Find out how to change IP in Router (this should be the same one I assign in step 1, right), test.

    3. Try to understand/match your DNS settings.


    The DNS address setting (Cloudflare/Google) is to improve connection? Stability? Security? As I said before I'm way over my head with all this, I do learn quickly tho.

    This is how mine looks atm.



    59 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Always provide two addresses in case a DNS server is down.

    I'll Google that to get a better understanding.


    I'll work on it tomorrow, 2am already here.

    Thanks everyone for your help and patience.

  11. Thank you so much to both. I completely understand the theory now, tomorrow I'll get hands on and set it up on both as recommended. 

    This is what I need to change in UnRaid to manual and whatever address, right? 


    BTW what is that /24? The range for other IP assignments? Should I leave it as is and change only the address?

    I'll check my Router (since it's a new one) and let you know.

  12. Hey everyone, a few days ago I had to reboot my UnRaid to find out when it loaded it reassign a different IP address.

    My question is:

    1. Should I try to assign an Static IP? 

       If yes, should I do that on my UnRaid or Router

       If not, how can I avoid the constant IP change

    2. How would you guys go about it?

    3. Why the default IP assignment is "Automatic" (DHCP I guess).


    Thanks a lot...

  13. Thanks Johnnie, I have now 2 4tb disks on my unraid, disk1 with ~100gb disk2 with ~200gb. Should i expect the one with more free space (disk1) to fill up to 2gb then start with filling disk2?

    Still trying to get my head around high water and treads/wiki didn't really do it for me.

  14. Hey guys, me again... So now I'm dealing with shares and a bit stuck on the split levels, but I want to take advantage of this feature so I did already some reading of other treads and wiki unraid.
    That being said, I need your feedback to check if my understanding is correct.
    Below is an example of how I'll split my levels (with my little to cero knowledge), this is assuming that each user share goes after the "normal" path as follows:
    mnt>users>TV Series
    and so on...

       Movie Rating (+18, -18)
          Movie Folder (The Matrix, Speed, etc)
             Movie Files (Movie files, srt, etc)

    In order to have all Movie Files (by movie) on the same disk I'll choose Level 2?

    TV Series
       Series Name (Friends, CSI, etc)
          Season Folder (S01, S02, S03, etc)
             Episode Files (Episode files, srt, etc)

    In order to have all Episode Files (by season) on the same disk I'll choose Level 2?

       Sport Category (UFC, NBA, FOOTBALL)
          Sport Sub-category (UFC FIGHT NIGHT,
          UFC ON ESPN, etc.)
             Sport Folder (UFC FIGHT NIGHT 174)
                Sport Files (Prelims, Main event file)

    In order to have all Sport Files (by sport Folder) on the same disk I'll choose Level 3?

       Picture Year (2019, 2018, 2017...)
          Picture Files (picture files)

    In order to have all Pictures Files (by year) for each year on the same disk I'll choose Level 1?

       Documents owner (Dad, Mom, etc)
          Documents type (Scans, Forms, etc)
             Documents Files (.txt,.pdf, etc.)

    In order to have all Documents Files and types (by owner) on the same disk I'll choose Level 1?


    Thank you in advance everyone...

  15. Again guys thank you very much for your help.

    So I understand everything is good and set now, also that my setup won't accidentally write directly to my disk. 

    It's a learning process for me and glad I can move to next stage... Split Levels bit I'll star another tread in order not to mix things.

    Take care for sure I'll see you guys soon due to my lack of networking knowledge.

    Be safe...

  16. So, I went to Docker-Krusader(icon)-edit all the way down you can modify paths (I guess that what is called mapping), then just copy/paste the original paths and this is how it looks now.

    Let me know what do you think and if I should do the same with the /config <> /mnt/user....?15875870191899067151333167445687.thumb.jpg.4dd667615ca03218dfafbc4bbc7736b3.jpg

  17. 30 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

    If you look at the container settings for Krusader, you will see that unraid_flashdrive, unraid_shares, and unraid_unassigned_disks are mapped to the appropriate spots on the host (unraid

    I 15875849084188255724684230582700.thumb.jpg.52ab844ec2ed1b3c51c3fb2fcdb9da44.jpg I found it, no idea how that got there. 

    Is the "Volume Mappings (app to host) right?

    I'll try to Google how to change that. I just want to have everything set correctly (even if it's just cosmetic) to manage my subfolders and files from Krusader unless you have a better recommendation for a "file manager".

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