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  1. Maximus01701's post in Swapping drives on "unmountable: Wrong or no file system" was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for getting back. 
    I followed the instructions and got the "Mount disk, then unmount it. If it doesn't work then use "-L" tag note."  However your link didn't mention how to mount the drive. So I'm putting it in here for the next guy. 
    I followed space invaders 4 year old video. 
    In terminal 
    mkdir /tempxfs (Creates a temp folder to mount to)
    mount /dev/mdX (x being your drive letter). 
    umount /tempxfs
    rmdir /tempxfs (Delete the temp folder we just created)
    run the XFS repair again. 
    Start the array to see if it worked. 
    You may still have "Drive disabled" with a little red X. To fix this:
    - Stop array (take note of drive configuration)
    - Select "no device" for effected drive(s). 
    - Start array (Should now say "not installed") 
    - Stop array and add the EXACT disk back in. 
    - Start array which will then initiate a rebuild.