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Everything posted by MattTheQuaker

  1. Recently I've been having an issue where after a few days, I'll start getting a "Secure Connection Failed" error whenever trying to connect to items behind my reverse proxy. There's nothing referencing it in the access.log, error.log, or the docker log that would give a hit as to the cause. Is there anyone else having a similar issue or have any ideas as to what could be causing it? The only change that has been made recently is that I've moved houses and the IP address changed, but I made the needed changes and it has been working. Nowadays it stops working after a bit and so far itll go back to working after i reset the docker enough.
  2. I've got a SWAG container setup along with other docker for services like Heimdal, Emby, Sonarr, etc. For most people trying to connect, it works fine. However there's one computer that can't connect to the server. In the logs I see it's getting a 444 Connection Closed Without Response error, but there's no indication as to what caused the error. Looking in the fail2ban logs, the ip that's trying to connect isn't banned. There are other computers on that network that can connect fine, and I've also had them try it on different browsers with the same problem happening. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. So I've got a grasp on the general idea of docker containers, and was working on creating one. I'm pretty sure that the way I'm going about it isn't really the right way. I'm trying to create a docker container for the protonmail bridge, since i wasn't able to find one that'd been updated recently. What I'd done so far was create a docker from phusion/baseimage, and modify it to where I wanted it. I'd downloaded the .deb file for the bridge and installed all the packages it required, though i ended up using the command apt --fix-broken install, which I feel was incorrect to what I wanted. I got to the point where I was just working on configuring the bridge, but am thinking that I'm doing this incorrectly, since there's a ton of configuration. What would be the approach to create a docker image without needing to do all this configuration inside the container itself? I'm pretty sure I shouldn't download the .deb file directly inside the container, but am not really sure how to make more complicated docker containers.
  4. Hey @andreidelait, what'd you use to calculate those values? I found this link https://thisinterestsme.com/php-fpm-settings/ that shows some of the calculations, but can't figure out how much each process usually uses since the command they gave is returning zero. It also doesn't say anything about what max_requests should be.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion, I just tried that and it didn't work. I always thought that the server_name was for the subdomain, which i had set to mineos. Whenever I try binhex-mineos it has the same result, just changes the url from mineos.domain.com to binhex-mineos.domain.tech. I think that the only thing that needs to mention binhex is the set $upstream_mineos, and I've got that to the docker container name.
  6. I'm trying to get binhex-mineos-node webui accessible via the nginx reverse proxy. However, when I try to connect, I'm getting a 502 error. I've created a mineos.subdomain.conf file based on another template that works. I've also already added the mineos subdomain to the docker variables so the cert is generated correctly. I can also ping the mineos docker from inside the lets-encrpyt one, using the docker name. This is the error in the error.log file for ngnix: 2020/07/09 11:24:41 [error] 932#932: *1 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client: ##.###.##.##, server: mineos.*, request: "GET / HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "mineos.domain.tech" 2020/07/09 11:24:41 [error] 932#932: *1 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client: ##.###.##.##, server: mineos.*, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "mineos.domain.tech" When I look up this error I see suggestions about increasing timeouts, but this happens instantly so I don't think any timeout is happening. Here's my config file. server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name mineos.*; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; location / { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_mineos binhex-mineos-node; proxy_pass http://$upstream_mineos:8443; } } Anyone got suggestions where I can look. I don't think it's a .conf file problem, but I'm not sure what else would need to change.
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