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Posts posted by allischalmersman

    Thank you for the response!  Interesting that we both have the same unRaid -> Windows Plex setup.  Maybe after the Plex people get done perfecting their second-rate Tubi clone and ultra-useful VR clients, they may discover the cause...
    Well, been putting off the move to Emby for a few years now.  No time like right now to move forward!
    I spent some time on the Plex forum and found numerous reports of bugs and problems for YEARS that haven't been fixed and lots of people complaining about the same issue. Combine that with the fact that I'm a paying subscriber yet has no way of receiving any official support....I decided to jump ship. Emby is different and takes a little getting used to but the quality so far is far superior. I still run Plex on the same machine as I still need to get my remote users to switch over. But my eventual plan is to completely ditch Plex

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

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  2. I've been on the :Latest  for quite some time.  I'm currently on  I'm seeing issues with my device roaming.  Clients are not roaming from AP to AP like they should and are staying stuck, wifi disconnecting entirely and then reconnecting to the next AP, etc.  Seems to have really been noticeable after the latest firmware update.  I don't have any Wifi6 AP's so Im considering downgrading the controller version.  Can I downgrade from the ver 6 chain to 5.14 ? 

  3. 8 hours ago, stepmback said:

    First thing I would do is test it out on different clients on your network. Watch a movie in a browser or a different TV... just not XBOX. If still having the issue I would then consider setting up Plex on your Unraid server to see if you have the same issue? Even if as a test. This would eliminate it is a network connection issue causing the problem. 


    Ill see what I can throw together as a different client.  I know its not a network issue.  I'm a network engineer and I know the network part is good.  Both the server, Xbox, and Unraid are on the same layer 2 VLAN via a Cisco 3750x switch.  The UnRaid server has a 4 member 802.3ad bond.  Ive done bandwidth testing at each endpoint, saturated the 1GB links as tests etc.  I'm 99.9% certain this inst network related.  What I am not certain of is if I have something miss-configured in UnRaid or Plex.  I used to run Plex as a Docker in my UnRaid server but slowly I ran out of horsepower and now with other smaller dockers, dual parity, etc I know my box doesn't have the horsepower to run Plex as a docker.  I am getting ready to rack a dual CPU Gen 8 dl380p so I could probably use it for testing as another Plex Server.  As far as another client Ill figure something out.  Maybe Ill cast to a chromecast ultra from the phone app as a test. 


    The smoking gun here has the be the fact that this occurs at exactly 2 hrs in and I mean exactly.  Like somebody flips a switch at 2:00:00.  I just cant figure out the cause. 


    PS. the current Plex server is a desktop with a 12 thread 5820k CPU and 32GB of RAM.  Not latest gen stuff but certainly no slouch. 



  4. Sorry but I'm not familiar with the new plex player? Or I've just gotten used to it and forgotten a change.  I'm using an Xbox One and I know I'm not exaggerating when I say this has been going on for at LEAST a year.  Xbox One app version is  Maybe I need to try to find another client device to use to test for a while.



  5. So I submitted this question on the Plex support forum weeks ago but haven't gotten a single reply.  Wondering if anybody here has any advice on troubleshooting this issue.  UnRaid is my media storage server.  Plex server is a hotter Windows machine and accesses the files via LAN.  Almost without fail a movie that is over 2hrs long will stop playback at the 2hr mark just as if the file was cut short.  You can go back in, restart the movie, fast forward and continue.  It happens at EXACTLY the 2hr mark.  As in 2:00:00.  This has been happening for a long time now.  Like 2 years or so.  Multiple UnRaid versions, dozens of Plex Server versions, lots of different movie files.  I don't know where to begin to even try troubleshooting other than store movies on the local Windows machine and test to eliminate UnRaid as a variable. 


    My initial thought was the disk spin down time.  I set it to 4 hours months ago (it was set to 2) and it made no difference. 


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

    I have a similar problem...my setup is pausing at random times during Bluray, and 4k movies played on a Dune HD Pro 4k. I have a GS200 Cisco Switch which connects all my AV equipment to the NAS. Sometimes it will pause several times during a movie...last night it paused 2 times during a movie (almost exactly 1 hour apart during the movie). I checked to see when my drives shutdown and it was set at 3 hours. This also started with V6 on my setup, but I also added the Dune HD Pro at the same time in my situation. I tried copying a couple of movies to my WD external drive and then playing them directly to the USB port on the Dune and they played flawlessly..so I figure it has to be something in UnRaid or my Cisco Switch.  I have also tried playing Bluray rips on my Linux machine with the NAS and it does the same thing. I even switched the cpu setting (Unraid) to performance, and it made it worse so I switched it back again. I am not sure what to do now. I have another Cisco SG200-24 I will swap in to see if it solves the problem. I will report back.
    Did you ever solve it? I am running this nic https://www.ebay.com/itm/Genuine-LSI-9201-16i-6Gbps-16-lane-SAS-HBA-P20-IT-Mode-ZFS-FreeNAS-unRAID/163746095726?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
    This was 4 years ago. I stopped using Dune mostly because of this problem. Once I stumbled on Plex I started using MKV files and also keeping the BD folders just in case some day I go back to something that can direct play.

    I seriously seriously doubt it's your Cisco switch. I tried other switches etc all with no help. The SG200 is not a bad little pro-sumer level switch. How portable is your UnRaid? Is it possible to take it to your dune, or your dune to it, or get a 150' ethernet cord and directly hook them together? Assign both a static address in the same subnet and try using it that way. That will completely eliminate the middle network equipment as a variable.

    I assume the existing install has the Dune and the Unraid on the same VLAN and no routing is taking place for the conversation?

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

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  7. FYI 802.11ad does not give you a single session speed increase.


    For instance I have a Cisco 3750x with a channel group containing (4) 1gb members. This gives me a total of 4gb of total bandwidth capacity, but still only a speed of 1gb/s per session. So one PC can transfer a file at 1gb/s and theoretically 3 others could as well. Limiting factor in my case is obviously read / write speeds.


    Think of LACP as making the water pipe bigger, but not changing the speed of the water flowing through it.


    Do do however get link redundancy.


    If you want faster speeds, you need faster NICs and appropriate infrastructure.


    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk







  8. Replaced my r8000 router with a 1u re-purposed server running pfSense.  I have a lot of stuff to still do / configure but right now I have lost access to my unRaid GUI and I can't figure out how to fix it.  The tower can be pinged by hostname (tower), all my shares are accessible, my wireless controller is still accessible (Unfi docker on unraid), but I cannot access the GUI.  I get "this site can't be reached" with an error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.


    I'm sure im doing something stupid.  Can anybody point me in the right direction?  

  9. What's the purpose of doing this over just using the USB cable?

    I didn't see this page and gave up using network UPS setup for UnRaid. I just recently installed a Smart-Online 1500 double conversion UPS. I just used the USB and have the network management card purely for remote management and notifications from the UPS. I see load still isn't shown in the above so I'm just wondering what the advantage is over simply using the USB cable.

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

    Do you know exactly what "format" means?

    I thought I did but I ASSumed it could only be done on a disk that was not a member of the array. I thought formatting was when a file system format was written to the disc and will invalidate anything previously written to the disk. I've only ever done it when adding a new disk. Perhaps I'm way off base here.

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

  11. 2 minutes ago, trurl said:

    SMART for Disk4 looks fine. Nothing to be gained by stress testing it, and you will greatly complicate your life if you try to.

    Ok I will heed your advise.  Sorry bad choice of wording. No the disk has not been removed.  I guess I mistakenly thought at some point throughout the process I would have that disk no longer a part of the parity protected array.  

  12. 9 minutes ago, trurl said:

    I have crossed out everything you absolutely must not do. If the disk is empty you just need to change its filesystem to XFS by making Unraid reformat it.


    Since you are so confused though, before I go into detail about how exactly you make Unraid reformat that disk to XFS, go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip to your next post so I can take a look and make sure you aren't overlooking something important.

    Haha Glad I stopped and asked. Are you also saying I can't or shouldn't stress test that drive while it's out?  Only reason I ask is because those 3TB drives that still need converted are ones that do not have a great reputation and I had 1 fail about 2 years ago.  Thanks again for your help.


  13. 51 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Could you give us a screenshot of this?


    Sounds like it. Don't do anything without further advice.

    Thank you for your time and help sir!  I transferred the contents of disk 4 to disk 10 and a little to another disk using Unbalance.  From what I can tell there are no files remaining on disk 4 but the share directories are still there.  Thank you very much for your guidance and I apologize for not being up on this process.  


    Disk 4 dir.JPG


  14. Hi guys, I transferred all my files off a 4TB drive, onto an existing 8TB array disk using UnBalance.  I still see shares on the 4TB disk using the unraid file explorer on the Main page GUI but there are no files on the disk.  I'm really confused as to what to do at this point.  I have dual parity.  Do I un-assign the disk and let parity rebuild with the missing disk?  Then format the 4TB disk?  I would like to pre-clear stress test the disk before adding it back to the array.  I'm sorry but I'm confused.  Thanks for your help!

  15. Is t here a written procedure on doing xfs conversion using some of the newer features of UnBalance?  I did a a while back with midnight commander following a sticky post and with dual parity and a noob like me it was nerve racking.  I have 3 disks left that are not XFS and have been kind of bidding my time hoping a more "click friendly / noob friendly" procedure would arise.  

  16. 2 hours ago, gfjardim said:


    Probably not related to this plugin. Please open the page in another browser to confirm the bug.

    Sorry I did not try another browser.  I have never used anything other than Firefox with my UnRaid dealings.  Everything works with Chrome. This seems to be an issue with Firefox as documented in this post


  17. Updated preclear and I don't know if this is related or not but Im having issues.  Unable to remove plugins (all) the check box does not appear and the "remove" button stays unselectable.  At the same time I am unable to select a notification type or trigger when starting a preclear.  Tried a reboot.  Any advice?  Thanks, Andrew

    preclear snip.JPG

    Plugin snip.JPG

  18. I have never used the "Erase and Clear" option.  Is the erase cycle normally significantly slower?  I am running this on a 8TB 7200rpm NAS drive model ST8000VN002 and I am 38 hours in on step 1.  Its staying right around 50 MB/s 


    Edit: It finished erasing after 45 hours and moved onto zeroing.  Zeroing at 240 MB/s.  Thanks.

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