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Posts posted by CarlP

  1. Update #3

    Ran the docker update and v2.13.4 resolved the issue


    Update #2

    looks like there is an update for this issue. I'm sure it will be here for us shortly.


    Tautulli github


    v2.13.4 (2023-12-07)


    Fix: Tautulli configuration settings page not loading when system language is None.

    Fix: Login cookie expiring too quickly.



    (UPDATE #1: downgraded Tautulli v2.13.3 back to Tautulli v2.13.2 to clear the issue linuxserver/tautulli:2.13.2

    Waiting for more information about the error)


    Same error today after plugin update

    UNRAID v 6.12.4

    Tautulli v2.13.3





    Tautulli Configuration

    Error !

    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'

    </tr> <tr> <td>System Language:</td> <td>${plexpy.SYS_LANGUAGE + (' (override {})'.format(plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_LANGUAGE) if plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_LANGUAGE else '')}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Python Version:</td> <td>${sys.version}</td> </tr>

    /app/tautulli/data/interfaces/default/configuration_table.html, line 77:

    <td>${plexpy.SYS_LANGUAGE + (' (override {})'.format(plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_LANGUAGE) if plexpy.CONFIG.PMS_LANGUAGE else '')}</td>

    /app/tautulli/lib/mako/runtime.py, line 936:

    callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)

    /app/tautulli/lib/mako/runtime.py, line 948:

    result = template.error_handler(context, error)

    /app/tautulli/lib/mako/runtime.py, line 938:

    _render_error(template, context, compat.exception_as())

    /app/tautulli/lib/mako/runtime.py, line 916:

    _exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)

    /app/tautulli/lib/mako/runtime.py, line 874:


    /app/tautulli/lib/mako/template.py, line 439:

    return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)

    /app/tautulli/plexpy/webserve.py, line 143:

    return template.render(http_root=http_root, server_name=server_name, cache_param=cache_param,


  2. On 5/29/2023 at 1:52 PM, CarlP said:

    With the lastest update to Radarr "Show Cinema Release Date" and "Show Release Date" does not populate info under the movie thumbnail .   

    Radarr > Movies > Options > check "Show Cinema Release Date" and "Show Release Date"

    The info will not display under images. If I rollback to if functions as expected.


    Saw this mentioned on Reddit aswell https://www.reddit.com/r/radarr/comments/13t24fh/update_4517282_does_not_show_release_dates_in/

    radarr poster options 2.JPG

    radarr poster dates 2.JPG


    Can anyone confirm that this actually functions on the latest binhex/arch-radarr:  ???

    "Fixed: (UI) Show studio and release/added dates in movie index" is marked under changes from https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/releases/tag/v4.5.2.7388


    I can confirm that there is NO issue running binhex/arch-radarr: displaying "Show Cinema Release Date" and "Show Release Date"


    @binhex any idea?


  3. With the lastest update to Radarr "Show Cinema Release Date" and "Show Release Date" does not populate info under the movie thumbnail .   

    Radarr > Movies > Options > check "Show Cinema Release Date" and "Show Release Date"

    The info will not display under images. If I rollback to if functions as expected.


    Saw this mentioned on Reddit aswell https://www.reddit.com/r/radarr/comments/13t24fh/update_4517282_does_not_show_release_dates_in/

    radarr poster options 2.JPG

    radarr poster dates 2.JPG

  4. @angelomango


    I find myself using Status and Interface for doing Test Downloads to check for speed. I also look there to check to see the IP Address of the PIA server I am connected to when I have speed concerns.


    Like last night between 9pm - 11pm no matter which Eastcoast USA locations I connected through I was only seeing 1mb. Things that should take seconds took an hour. Times like that I would be checking to see the IP Address of the server I was connected to then doing a look up to see where it really was.  All servers I "was" selecting to connect through last night were Eastcoast BUT I found at one time I was was actually connected through Seattle Washington which is Westcoast....


    Nothing to do with Sab but till frustrating SMH

  5. SOLVED:

    changed Name_Servers Value:,,,,,


    For whatever reason mine was,,,,,,,



    Hello All,


    I am get the following error when clicking on Status and Interface Option 

    Unraid Ver 6.9.2

    Sabnzbd Ver 3.6.1  (not sure how to view the exact 3.6.1 -?.?? )


    I have seen this before I updated today.. Thought I had read somewhere that the next update would have resolved it so that's why when I saw the new update I ran it..


    Thanks for any assistance 😊


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 638, in respond
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 697, in _do_respond
        response.body = self.handler()
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py", line 223, in __call__
        self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cherrypy/_cpdispatch.py", line 54, in __call__
        return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/interface.py", line 180, in internal_wrap
        return wrap_func(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/interface.py", line 472, in api
        return api_handler(kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/api.py", line 104, in api_handler
        response = _api_table.get(mode, (_api_undefined, 2))[0](name, kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/api.py", line 414, in _api_status
        return _api_status_table.get(name, (_api_fullstatus, 2))[0](value, kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/api.py", line 405, in _api_fullstatus
        status = build_status(
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/api.py", line 1256, in build_status
        info["publicipv4"] = publicipv4()
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/getipaddress.py", line 115, in publicipv4
        result = addresslookup4(sabnzbd.cfg.selftest_host())
      File "/usr/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/getipaddress.py", line 49, in func_wrapper
        return sabnzbd.THREAD_POOL.submit(item, *args, **kwargs).result(max_timeout)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 460, in result
        raise TimeoutError()


  6. 8 hours ago, binhex said:

    So, Sonarr v3 is FINALLY here, its out of beta and is now the latest release, if you want to switch from Sonarr v2 to v3 then simply pull down the 'latest' tagged image.


    However, if you want to stick on Sonarr v2 then please do the following:-

    • Go to unRAID Web UI/Docker/left click Sonarr/Edit and change the value for 'Repository' to:-
    • Click apply to pull down v2 image.

    Note:- There will be NO further development on v2 going forward.


    If you are using the tag name of 'v3' then please do the following to switch back to 'latest' (now v3):-


    • Go to unRAID Web UI/Docker/left click Sonarr/Edit and change the value for 'Repository' to:-


    Note:- the 'v3' tag is now deprecated and will NOT be updated.

    I ran update after adding ":latest" and things seem to be fine I am now running on V3....

    Thanks for the all your work !!!!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, jademonkee said:

    So what do we change to get Sonarr and Radarr to work via Privoxy if it's not the ADDITIONAL_PORTS var?


    EDIT: I got Sonarr and Radarr to work again by going to (in Sonarr and Radarr) Settings > Config > General > Proxy and adding my server's IP in "Ignore addresses" ("Bypass proxy for local addresses" was already checked, and I left it so).

    Additionally, in SABnzbd, if you have under General > Security a "List of local network ranges" defined, be sure to add the ranges for your Sonarr and Radarr Dockers, as well as your LAN IP range (or just leave it blank). Frustratingly, if you add it as CIDR notation, you will be locked out of the UI, so add it in the following format:


    (the second range covers both my Sonarr and Radarr Dockers)

    This worked for me.... BUT doesn't this BYPASS the 2 apps from using the VPN connection?

  8. 16 hours ago, binhex said:

    There has been an issue raised on GitHub related to tracker announce request IP leakage under certain circumstances, after careful review of iptables i have tightened up the rules to prevent this. A new image has now been rolled out for all vpn enabled docker images (25th Feb 2021) i produce with the fix in place, i would encourage everyone to update to the recently created 'latest' tagged image.

    You can force the upgrade by toggling 'basic view' to 'advanced view' and then clicking on 'force update' link for each container, or by clicking on the 'check for updates' button at the bottom and then click on 'update all'.

    for transparency, here is the link to the (now closed off) issue:- https://github.com/binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn/issues/80


    IMPORTANT:- As part of the tightening up if you run multiple containers through a single vpn container then please ensure you define all web ui ports (if more than 1 port then use comma to separate) for all routed containers in 'ADDITIONAL_PORTS' env var for the vpn container.

    Container was updated today..

    I started to have issues with Radarr and Sonarr tonight with them saying they can't connect to SAB I have them using proxy with the port 8118... I'm not sure what steps I should take to resolved... I added Radarr and Sonarr ports 7878 and 8989 to the ADDITIONAL_PORTS but that did not change resolve the issue. If I point a windows machine to use Proxy via the UNRAID server IP:8118 I can get to the internet and it IS the VPN ip.... Only seems to be an issue with Radarr and Sonarr.. VPN Provider is PIA...

    is the the area to make changes??


  9. 3 hours ago, TRusselo said:

    thank you.


    for others, with 1 less brain cell than I,  edit docker container: 

    add :  to the end of repository, click save at bottom

    ***  It will never update with this tag !!!!!  remove later when you want to update



    this worked for me very easy.... Saved a brain cell... 👍


  10. On 5/6/2020 at 10:37 AM, draeh said:



    I updated this morning to 2020.05.05a and now I am seeing this in the logs:


    May 6 10:32:14 legion preclear_disk[29247]: error encountered, exiting...
    May 6 10:34:49 legion preclear_disk[32017]: error encountered, exiting...
    May 6 10:35:45 legion preclear_disk[660]: error encountered, exiting...


    Since I had performed an update, I also tried completely removing the plugin and reinstalling it, but I am getting the same result.

    I am seeing the same error in log since I updated the plug-in yesterday

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